Saige Read online

Page 4

  Saige looks up, and nods yes to her dad. I look around the room. No one seems shocked by this. It’s always been this way during a lockdown, but the look on Pyro’s face, man, if looks could kill. I just stare back at him with a smirk on my face until he looks away. His black eye and busted lip look good on him, courtesy of Loki.

  Stone looks from her to the rest of us, “Cruz, have Stella and Leilani make a list of everything we may need if we go on a hard lockdown. I want to be prepared. Tires, call Black Forest, let them know what’s going on. We may need them to come back down. Grange, I need you to also help Cruz to check the weapons and ammo. Lynch, will you and the nomads stick around for bit longer?”

  Lynch looks up at Stone, “Yeah Pres, we’re here for as long as you need us. You fight, we fight.”

  “Good.” Stone bangs the gavel, dismissing us all for now. I put my hand on Saige’s leg to still her for a minute. She looks at me, confused. When everyone is gone, I let her up, grab her by the back of the head and kiss her. I nip her bottom lip, then run my tongue over it. She opens up for me, and I push my tongue in her mouth, tasting her. She tastes of the little mints she loves and a taste that is purely her. Heaven. She is my heaven, I think. She moans a little, that’s when I pull back, look into her eyes.

  “I forgot to give you your keys back. I did have a copy made to your room though, I also had a copy to my room made for you. Never know when we might need to go and help each other out.” I place the keys in her hand, kissing her again. A chair hitting the wall breaks us apart. I look up to see Pyro walking down the hallway. Saige doesn’t see him.

  “What was that?” she asks.

  “Not sure. But that is how you kiss someone,” I say as I walk out of the room grinning.



  Wow, that kiss still has me reeling as I head back to my room. I can still feel his lips on mine, still taste him. I put my fingers up to my lips, smiling. I’m at my room when I am grabbed and spun around, shoved into the wall, my arm wrenched behind my back, only to see a very angry Pyro. “What the hell was that about back in the office?” He is squeezing my arm so tight that I am losing feeling in it. I’m too shocked to fight back.

  “What are you talking about, Pyro? And can you let up on your grip? You’re hurting me.” He looks down at my arm but doesn’t loosen up any.

  “I’m talking about you letting that asshole kiss you back there. You know that he’s just playing with you, right? He’s out in the bar messing around with the whores now as we speak. Cotton could care less about you. He doesn’t love you like I do!”

  I look up at Pyro. He seems out of control right now, and I have to try to diffuse this. “Look, Pyro, it was just a kiss. It didn’t mean anything. And honestly, I don’t care what he is doing with whom. I’m single, he isn’t my boyfriend, neither are you. You are my friend, that’s it. I’m not dating right now, nor do I want to be. That’s why I asked you to the club as a friend. Now you need to let go of my arm and get out of my face.”

  Before I know what he is doing, he slaps me. “You are not single! I have claimed you as mine! So, don’t try to act all coy with me. And you just try going out without me, see what happens!” He tries to kiss me, but I turn my head, his lips hitting my cheek. He slaps me again, letting me go with a shove, my head hitting the wall. He starts to walk away when we hear footsteps coming down the hall. I look up to see Tires. He sees the handprint on the side of my face.

  “Sis, who the hell hit you?” he asks me.

  Pyro looks at him, answering before I can get a word out. “One of the club whores. I believe it was Alivia. They were arguing when I came down the hall and ran her off.”

  My brother looks at me then back to Pyro, “Hey man, Lynch is looking for you, that’s why I headed down this way. He’s at the bar. Said not to keep him waiting.”

  “Yeah okay.” He walks off after giving me a warning glance. I stand ramrod straight until he is out of sight then lean into Tires. “So why did Alivia hit you? I thought you were friends.”

  I look up at him, “She didn’t. Look at my arm.” You can see where Pyro had a hold of my arm, it’s red.

  “Who the hell did this?”

  “Pyro did. He caught me unaware, started screaming at me, saying that he has claimed me in front of the whole club, that I should watch and see what happens if I refuse him, or go out without him. He’s a basket case! I’ve never seen him like this before. His eyes look so weird. I was actually scared of him.”

  Tires hugs me to him. “I’ll get this taken care of, sis. He won’t bother you anymore. If he ever lays a hand on you again, he’s dead!” I look up at him. He’s always been protective of me, but to threaten to kill someone, that’s a first.

  “Coop, I just want to go take a shower and go to bed. I don’t want you to kill anyone, prison orange isn’t your color. I love you, thank you for being the best big brother anyone could ever ask for.” He just smiles. I kiss his cheek, then go into my room. I lock the door behind me, grab some pjs, then head for the shower. I need to find out what is going on with Pyro, see if I can get him some help. He sure isn’t the same guy we grew up with.



  I’m sitting at the bar, a big smile on my face as I think about that kiss. Man, the zing I felt as I held her close to me. I feel it every time I touch Saige. I hear Tires yelling for Pyro, so I turn around. I see the look on his face, and I know this is going to be bad. I look for the little jerkoff and get up just as Tires punches him in the mouth. “That’s for leaving a mark on my sister’s arm, this is for slapping her!” Tires hits him again, this time sending him sailing over a table. “You ever come near her again, or so much as look at her, I’ll kill you!” Tires is standing over Pyro, his eyes begging the shitter to get up and swing at him. I look to my left, Stone is standing there with Lynch. Both look pissed as hell, and if what Tires said is true, I’ll kill the son of a bitch myself for touching her.

  “What the hell is going on, Tires?” Stone yells. Lynch is looking at him too.

  “That asshole attacked Saige when she was trying to go into her room. Her arm is red from where he was gripping it so hard, then he slapped her across the face twice, leaving a handprint on her. She is already bruising. I found them when I went looking for him for Lynch. He yelled at her, told her that he was claiming her in front of the club, and that if she refused him, she would regret it. I meant what I said, if he touches her again, I’ll kill him!”

  I’m getting angrier by the second. Pyro looks over at me as he is getting up. He has this look in his eyes that I have seen before, it isn’t just anger or jealousy. He looks high. I remember that look well, having grown up with it.

  “Pyro! Is it true? Did you hit Saige?” Lynch asks.

  Pyro looks at him. “I had to remind her that she’s mine! She had no right kissing another man, when she belongs to me. He actually comes at me, I side step him, sending him head first into the bar. I pick him up off the floor, pushing him towards Stone.

  “Pyro, you haven’t claimed Saige, even if you did, she doesn’t want to be with you. You need to pack your shit up. Locke, Rubble, I want you two to follow him, make sure that he leaves, get him to up Morriston. Then you can head back this way. Have Tonks watch over him.”

  “Lynch, you can’t do this to me! You need me here! I won’t touch her again, so long as Cotton doesn’t touch her either.” They all look at me, but I keep my gaze on Pyro.

  “Who are you to dictate who my daughter can or can’t be near? You heard Lynch. Go pack and leave, before I do something that you will regret!’’ Stone states in a quiet menacing tone.

  Pyro looks at me, “She’ll never be yours. She is mine!” Locke grabs Pyro by the arm, dragging him from the room, Rubble following him.

  “Pres, did you see the look in his eyes? He is doing something heavy. It has to be some hardcore drugs, because I know that look all too well.”

  Stone looks at me and nods, “Yeah I
saw. Still doesn’t give him the right to touch my daughter. I’ll talk to Lynch, see if they can find out what he is doing. Maybe we can get him into rehab. Now what is he talking about you touching her?” I look and see he is grinning.

  “It was nothing. We were talking and I gave her a little kiss. He took it way out of proportion.”

  He nods, “Okay. Well keep an eye out for her tonight. I have to take Leilani to go get a few of her things that she needs from her place. Cruz is riding with us.”

  “You got it. Stay safe, call if you need anything.” With that Stone turns to Lynch and they head out talking, Cruz meets up with them in the hall. I look at Tires, and notice that he is staring at me, grinning.

  “Don’t say a word, Tires! It was just a little kiss, that’s all. You know where I stand.” He just grins bigger and looks behind me.

  “Alivia, two beers please.” She grins at him as she sets the beers on the bar. He looks at me. “Saige has a building to look at tomorrow. I have to go get some parts, the garage is closed. You mind going with her, look it over? You know more about that shit than I do anyways.”

  “Yeah, I’ll get Loki or someone to ride with us. Who is going with you to get the parts?”

  Tires laughs, “I have Ryker and Skip going. Ryker is wanting to look at some bike the old man is selling at the parts store.”

  I grin, I know why Ryker is really wanting to go. He has a thing for the blonde that works at the counter. I get up, “Brother, I’m going to go find out what time she has to be there, then I’m calling it a night.” He raises his beer at me, then starts to flirt with Alivia. I take off. I knock on Saige’s door, when she opens it a crack, I almost lose my cool. I’m ready to go hunt Pyro down and give him another beating. “Hey, Butterfly. Tires said that you have to go look at a building tomorrow, what time do you have to be there?” I ask as I walk into her room. She looks up at me.

  “I have to meet the realtor there at eleven. If this building doesn’t work out, she has one more for me to look at. Both have massive kitchens and are on Main Street, so that is a huge bonus. Who’s going with me?”

  I just grin, “You have me and Loki.” She smiles.

  “Okay. I’ll be ready to go by ten. I know it’s only fifteen minutes away, but we have to get Sloane. She’s going to be the one to work the front of the business. I want her there with us.” I nod as I reach out and touch her cheek lightly.

  “If Pyro comes near you again, it’ll be the last time that he does. I’m so sorry that he did this to you.” Saige leans into my hand.

  “It’s okay. If I wasn’t so shocked when he grabbed my arm, wrenched the other behind my back, and went off the way he did, I could have gotten away with just a bruised arm.” Smiling at her, because I know she can handle herself, I head for the door.

  “Be ready to go about nine, we’ll go get breakfast at the diner.”

  “Okay, goodnight.” I head out and go to my room. I need a cold shower for more than one reason.



  I try to sleep after Cotton leaves my room, and I had texted Sloane and Loki to let them know the time we are leaving in the morning. I toss and turn for a bit, but I am wide awake. I need to bake. Some people turn to music, cleaning, drinking, whatever to calm them down, I bake. I get up, change into a pair of shorts and a tank top. I pull my hair back, then head for the kitchen. I have to go through the bar to get to it, and I am hoping that I don’t run into Pyro. Tires spots me as soon as I start through and comes over to me. “Pyro is gone. Lynch sent him away. Had a couple of guys follow him and deliver him to Tonks. What’re you up to?”

  “Thank God he’s gone. I was dreading running into him. I can’t sleep. My mind is all jumbled up, so I’m going to bake.”

  He just smiles, gives me a tight hug. “Make us something good.”

  I laugh as I walk into the kitchen. I get all the things out that I need to make a lemon blueberry pound cake. It’s one of Dad’s favorites and I know several of the other guys like it. It’s simple to make, and it gives me the peace I need to get my hands covered in flour. I think about what happened with Pyro. What happened to him to make him act that way? He’s always flirted and joked around, but he’s never said anything about wanting to date, or anything like that, until Club Myst. Have I just missed the signs because I don’t think of him in that light? He knew how I felt about Cotton. Loki told him. He had a weird look in his eyes that I’d noticed. He had the same look in his eyes at the birthday party, at Myst too.

  I mix everything together then gently fold in my blueberries. After pouring it in the bundt pan, I place it in the oven. Still needing something else to do, I make Bethany and the other kids some cupcakes. Then I start on a pecan turtle ice cream cake. I cover the pecans with caramel for an extra burst of flavor. I get that in the freezer and clean up the mess I’ve made. The pound cake and cupcakes are done, so I make icing for them both. Just a light blueberry glaze for the pound cake, and a vanilla icing for the cupcakes. I add a few drops of food coloring and swirl it to make it look tye dyed. It’s now a cute pink and blue. I set everything in the fridge, then finish cleaning up my mess. I’m still not sleepy. Maybe I should go back to my room and read some. I’ve several MC books on my kindle. I love them, they’re my guilty pleasure. I one-clicked so many books, by what are called indie authors. I turn the light off to the kitchen and head back to my room. The bar is empty now. Seems that the guys have finally drank all they wanted, I know a few of them were with a club girl.

  I try to be quiet as I head back to my room. I turn down the hallway and see Beth at my door with Bethany. “Hey girl, what’s wrong?” I ask her.

  “Oh, Saige, I’ve to go. My mom called, my aunt is in the hospital. They don’t think she’s going to make it. I was wondering if you would mind keeping Bethany for a couple of days? I really don’t want to drag her into the hospital and be around all that. She’s only two, I know she’ll want to run around and play.” Beth has tears pouring down her face.

  “Hey, calm down. Of course, I’ll keep her. I’m so sorry about your aunt. Who’s taking you to the hospital? I don’t think you should drive, also we’re to have a patch with us if we go out.” I hug her and take Bethany from her, trying my best not to wake her. Thank goodness she is a heavy sleeper.

  Beth giggles, “Believe it or not, Dad said he would take me. I know that he and Mom don’t get along, especially since the divorce, but he really likes my aunt and they still talk a lot.”

  “Okay, Beth. You go get ready. I have some outfits in here for Bethany. I promise to take good care of her. You call me if you need anything.” Beth hugs me again and takes off. I get Bethany in my room, lay her on my bed while I get changed into pjs again, and pull out her little toddler bed that I have. I get the sheets on it, then grab her favorite blanket of mine. I gently move her from my bed to hers, I get into bed, grabbing my kindle. I pull up the story I started on. It’s so good. I get a few chapters read before my eyes start getting tired. I look over to check on Bethany, then I go to sleep.

  “Sai? Why is I in your room?” I look out of the bathroom at Bethany. I’ve already showered and dressed. I decide to leave my hair loose today. I rarely do that, but I know with all the stress today with going to look at these buildings, if I pull my thick hair up, it would help a headache along.

  “Hey, sweetpea. Did you sleep well? Your momma had to go see your grandma and great aunt. So we’re going to have a sleepover for a few days. Is that okay?” She looks up at me and smiles. I knew she would like that. “Come on and let’s get you dressed. We’re going to go out for breakfast with Loki, Cotton, and Sloane. How does that sound?”

  “Yippee! Oh yeth. I wanna go!” I laugh as I get her dressed and fix her hair. There’s a knock at my door, and she runs over to open it before I can stop her. Cotton is there and he smiles down at Bethany but looks at me with a quizzical look.

  “Beth had to go for a few days, so I have her.” He nods as he bends down to h
er level.

  “Hey there, beautiful. Are you going out to eat with us?” She just grins really big, nods her head, her little braids bouncing off her shoulders. “Alright, I think they have those happy face pancakes you like.” I laugh as her eyes get huge. She is so excited. “You ready to go? Loki and Sloane are in the common room waiting on us.” I smile at him, grab my purse and her extra clothes, I know she gets messy when she eats, and we are off.

  Bethany runs up and hugs Loki’s leg. “I go with you. I want thmiley face pancakes.”

  Loki laughs as he picks her up. “You do? Wonder if they’ll let me and Sloane order those pancakes? Or are they just for special little girls?”

  She laughs, “You too old.”

  “Too old? Oh, man. I really want those pancakes.” He pouts at her.

  “I thare. Don’t cry, Loki.” I smile watching the byplay. Loki will be such a great father someday. I sigh.

  “What was that about?” Cotton asks. All of them look at me.

  “I’m starving and whittling away to nothing, and y’all are just standing here talking about pancakes. My stomach is gnawing on itself,” I say laughing. They all laugh too.

  “Well let’s go. I can’t have you dying of hunger on my watch.” He winks at me. I grab Bethany’s car seat from the hall closet, as we head outside. Loki and Sloane are getting on his bike, as Cotton heads over to his truck. “Come on, I’ll drive.” Bethany takes my hand and we follow Cotton. He gets her seat in, helps her in and buckles her up. Then he opens my door. I look at him and as I go to thank him, he leans in and kisses me. Just a soft little kiss. Then he lifts me up, putting me in the truck, then shuts my door.