Saige Read online

Page 3

  Eight hours later, we are both done with our tattoos, and my head is pounding. “Loki, I need to get something to eat, I need to take something for this headache.”

  “Yeah, let’s head over to the pizza place. That okay?” I nod. They have a buffet and the pizza is so good. We get inside and get a booth. “Two buffets please. With Coke for both of us,” Loki orders for us.

  “Sure, help yourselves. I’ll be right back with your drinks. If you don’t see a pizza you want up there, let me know and I’ll have them make you one. My name is Sara, if you need anything.”

  I smile at her. “Thanks, Sara.”

  She smiles and heads off to get our drinks. We go up and make our plates. I get a couple of slices of their spinach alfredo pizza and a small salad. I head back to the booth and Loki comes back with a plate loaded down with ten different slices of pizza.

  Loki looks at my plate. “Is that all you’re eating, Saige? Usually you can out eat me when it comes to pizza.”

  I smile. “I know, but this headache is getting bad. My meds aren’t helping. I don’t think I’m going to be able to go out tonight.” A tear runs down my cheek.

  He reaches over and wipes it away. “Hey now, if you can’t go, then we don’t go. We’ll just set it for another night. Come on. Eat what you can, and I’ll get you back so you can lay down. Okay?”

  I try to eat but can’t get much down. Loki ends up eating my salad and a slice of my pizza. I get my Coke to go, and he pays. I leave Sara a big tip and we head out.

  Once we get back to the clubhouse, Loki returns my keys. “You go on in and go lay down. I’ll head off Pyro, talk to him, and I’ll call Poppy and let her and Lilly know.” He kisses me on the cheek, heading to the bar.

  I slowly get out of the truck and lock it. I am heading around the building when I start to get violently sick. I hit my knees, and I throw up everything that is in my stomach. I am still dry heaving, tears running down my face when Cotton sees me.

  He runs over to me. “Butterfly, you okay?”

  “No. I was trying to get to my room to lay down, when this hit. I have a migraine, Cotton. I can barely see it’s so bad.”

  “Okay, babe. I’m going to pick you up and carry you to your room. Is it locked?”

  I hand him my keys. I feel his arms go around me. I gasp but I am hurting so bad, that I can’t appreciate how it feels to be in his arms right now. I lean into him and close my eyes. He is going fast but trying not to jostle me. We amazingly don’t run into anyone.

  He gets me into my room and stands me by my bed. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Can you stay here a second while I go to the bathroom, in case I need help?”

  He nods. I cautiously make my way into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I pee right quick, wash my hands, take my hair out of the bun and put my pjs on. When I get back in the room, Cotton is sitting a cold Coke on my bedside table from my little fridge. He also has my cold eye mask that I use beside it.

  He has my phone on the charger right beside it. “Okay, butterfly, what else do you need?”

  “Just the lights out and to lie down. I have the AC set to sixty-eight, and that helps.”

  He moves over and pulls my blanket back and tells me to lay down, then helps me to get my eye mask on. I lay on my right side facing the door and him, putting pressure on the side that hurts the worst.

  “Get some rest, Butterfly, I’m going to take your keys with me, if you need anything call or text me. I can get back in here to you that way, okay?”

  I agree to that and close my eyes. The last thing I remember is feeling a kiss on my forehead.



  Walking around the building and seeing Saige on the ground sick like that scared me. Carrying her to her room, it felt so good to have her in my arms. Like she belonged there. Her scent of coconut and vanilla nearly drove me mad with want. Once I helped her get settled in bed, I stayed with her until I knew she was going to be okay and she was sleeping. I leaned down and kissed her forehead, smoothing her hair back. I hadn’t seen her with her hair down in a long time. It’s sexy as hell. Hell, everything about her is sexy. I could sit and just watch her sleep all night and be happy. I slowly shut her door making sure that it’s locked and head down the hall to my room. Tires is coming out of his room as I walk by. “Hey, man, I gotta go get a drink. Want to go get one with me?”

  “Not tonight, man. I just left Saige’s room, and before you get the wrong idea, she’s down with a bad migraine. She got sick outside and couldn’t even stand up. I helped her in and got her settled. I told her to text me if she needed anything, but she was out before I reached the door. Besides that, I have to work on the books for the garage. I brought them home and am going to work on them in the room. I may be out later for a drink.”

  “Thanks for taking care of Sis. I know how you feel about her, so I know you wouldn’t take advantage of her. Even if she would let you,” he says shaking his head.

  “What the hell do you mean by that?”

  He looks at me shocked. “Really? Come on, Cotton. Saige has been in love with you since she was fifteen. That’s why when she does go out with someone, she lets them know right away it’s just as friends.” I run my hands through my hair, looking at my best friend. “You really didn’t know?” I just shake my head no. “Well what you do with that knowledge is up to you. Just don’t hurt her.”

  “I won’t.” He punches my arm, taking off to the bar. Once I get into my room, I grab a drink from the little fridge I have in there and turn my laptop on. I pull up everything I need to work on the books for the garage and get to it.

  I look up from the laptop and realize that I have been working on the books for almost three hours, but at least they are done and done right. I shut everything down, getting up to stretch. It’s going on eleven at night, and I am worn out. Saige hasn’t texted so I am hoping that she sleeps throughout the night, that her migraine is gone in the morning. I decide to head to bed when there is a knock at my door. I open it up to see one of the club whores there. “What do you want, Dayna?” This bitch has been obsessed with getting into my bed since I got voted in as VP. She is trouble with a capital T, and I don’t trust her. I also don’t mess around with any of the club whores.

  “Oh, Cotton, I was hoping that you wanted to have a little fun tonight. You have been working so hard and not playing any.” She sticks her bottom lip out in a pout trying to look sexy.

  “No. I don’t want to have any fun with you tonight or any night. I’ve told you that already. And you know the rules. You’re not to come back here to the living quarters unless someone brings you straight to their room. You do it again, you will be banned.”

  “You can’t be serious, Cotton. I’m not doing anything wrong. I just wanted to spend a little time with you. We can get to know each other better.” She is trying to put her hands on my chest to rub it, but I stop her.

  “I am serious. Now get your skank ass back out to the bar where it belongs.” She gives me a look that if it could kill, I would be dead. She starts to argue with me when I see a Prospect walking through. “Prospect take this whore to the front gate and don’t let her back in here tonight. Make sure she leaves. “

  “Yes, VP.” She screams and fights him all up and down the hall. Ah hell. I get the keys out of my pocket and go open the door to Saige’s room. I peek inside and see that she’s still asleep. Good. I lock her door back and head back to my room. Taking a quick shower, I get in bed and dream about Saige all night.

  The next morning when I walk out to go to the garage, I see everyone going about their business. Saige is with Sloane at a table, talking about going out to Myst tonight. I overhear their plans and look up to see Loki smirking at me. He nods towards the girls and rolls his eyes. I laugh. Yeah, he can act like he doesn’t want to go, but I know better than that. That boy has it bad for Sloane. I see Pyro making his way over to the table and all humor leaves me. I see the way that he is looki
ng at Saige, and I don’t like it. I think since they are going to go to Myst tonight, I need to let Tires know so that we can watch out for them. I just don’t trust that little prick. I head on out the door to go to the garage to get some work in and talk to Tires.

  When I get to the garage it is to find Tires in the back, painting a custom build we’ve done. It is amazing to see the details that are going into the design. It is black, with pin striping on it in blood red, the club emblem at the gas cap. It’s bad ass. It’s for Barq, the Pres of the Black Forrest charter. “Hey, Bro. It looks great, man. Almost done?” I ask.

  He gives me a chin lift, “Hey, Bro. Yeah. Just putting the finishing coat on it. Should be ready for pick up tomorrow. What’s going on? You have that look on your face, that things are going on that you don’t like.”

  I laugh without humor. Yeah, he knows me. “Saige, Loki, Sloane and Pyro are going to Myst tonight. Pyro was practically drooling and eye fucking your sister at the table, I don’t like how he has been acting. He’s on something.”

  Tires looks at me shaking his head, “Are you sure that he is on something, and that you aren’t just jealous that he is going out with Saige?”

  I clench my fists and jaw. “Don’t go there, man. You know how I grew up, what went on. I know that look when someone is using.”

  He throws his hands up in defeat, “Hey, man, I wasn’t meaning that. I know what happened. I guess we need to go, watch from the shadows.” I nod as I head out towards the front to answer the phone. It’s going to be a long day I realize, when I pick up the phone, and hear a long-winded customer.



  Club Myst. I really didn’t want to be here tonight. But we promised Poppy and Lilly that we would hang out with them one night, as a late celebration of all of our birthdays. Poppy and Lilly are twins, very wild, and I know that they only hung out with us in school, and now because of who we are and the MC. Poppy wants to be a Charmer, working at the Vipers Pit strip club. She wants to be able to get ahold of a ranking brother and become an old lady, just like all the whores do, and thinks that I am going to help her with that, as if. Lilly, she is a little bit more laid back, but not much. The outfits that they are wearing tonight leave nothing to the imagination, and I know that some of the strippers at the Pit have worn more.

  Pyro is already three sheets to the wind, and we have only been here a little over an hour. The club is pumping. Lights bouncing off the walls, the music loud and thumping, the dance floor packed. We’re sitting up in the VIP lounge where Pyro just keeps downing shots. How the hell does he think he is going to get back to the clubhouse like that? He sure isn’t driving. He is being loud and crude, making comments that are making my stomach turn. I am so thankful that I drove my cage with Sloane riding with me. She didn’t want to ride the bike with Loki wearing a miniskirt and six-inch heels. They are out on the dance floor swaying to the music. I danced a little when we got here, but now I am sitting just watching everyone else. I’m so ready to go home, take a bath, just relax with my kindle. I went and one clicked a lot of books by several authors that I love. Most of them write MC romance. I look up, breaking from my thoughts when I feel someone sit beside me.

  Pyro is leaning up against me. “Saige, you’re so beautiful. I’m really glad I got to be here with you. Why don’t we go dance, baby?” He is running his hand up and down my arm, the other is draped around my shoulder.

  “No thanks, Pyro. I just don’t feel up to it right now. In fact, I think I’m going to head out in a few minutes. I just want to let Loki and Sloane know.” I try pulling away from him. He grabs a hold of my neck, forcing me to look at him. He smirks at me, pulling me to him and tries to kiss me. He licks my lips, but I don’t give him what he wants. It isn’t until he grips my breast, squeezing really hard, that my mouth opens to scream at him, but he sticks his tongue in my mouth. I swear it’s like he is trying to lick my tonsils. I am gagging as he’s doing this, I finally get my arm up and smack him hard.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Pyro? You do not touch me and try to force yourself on me like that! I will cut your damn balls off if you try something like that ever again!” I push him away from me and stand up.

  I go to leave when he grabs my arm, “I’m not going anywhere, Saige, I’ve wanted and waited for you, for such a long time. I thought you felt the same! But you will not leave and make a fool of me! You’re mine!”

  “Let me go right now. This is your only warning,” I say. He goes to say something else when Poppy and Lilly come back from the dance floor.

  “Are we interrupting something? A little lover’s quarrel?” Poppy asks. I pull my arm from Pyro’s grasp.

  “No, not hardly, Poppy. I was just coming down to tell y’all bye. Hope y’all enjoy the rest of the night.”

  “Oh well if not a lover’s quarrel….” She goes over and drapes herself on Pyro, licking the side of his face. I take off, not wanting to see or hear what happens next. I make it down to Loki and Sloane and I tell them what happened.

  Loki is so pissed off now, “Are you shitting me? Let me go have a talk with him. He won’t put his hands on you again, I can guarantee that!”

  “No, it’s fine. I took care of it. I just want to go home. Are you okay with that?” He looks at me and nods. Sloane hugs me, then I walk out of Myst, taking a deep breath before I walk to my truck. I see Tires and Cotton leaning against it. I’m not one bit surprised, they’ve always followed me. Both look pissed, and Tires reaches for my arm, looking for bruises.

  “Look, I’m fine, bubba. I just want to go home, soak in the tub, read a book. Please just let me go,” I plead with my brother. He finally leans in and kisses my forehead.

  “Drive safe. We’ll follow you home.” I hug him and get in the truck. I don’t look back as I drive off.



  “Tires, where is Stone?”

  He looks up at me from the bike he is working on, taking his mask off. “I don’t know, man. What’s going on?”

  “We need to call an emergency church. Get on the phone vine.” He nods and starts calling people. I go into the front part of the garage to see Saige on the phone talking to a customer. I make a motion with my hand for her to hurry, get off the phone.

  “I can assure you that your bike will be ready by the end of the month, Mr. Howard. I just had a customer walk in, so I really must go. You have a great day. Bye, hun. Okay, Cotton, what’s going on, not that I really don’t appreciate the help of getting off the phone with him.” She smiles at me.

  I can’t help but to smile back, “We need to call an emergency church. We need to go. Did you ride out here?”

  “No, I walked actually.” I hear Tires start up his bike and take off.

  “Mind riding back with me? Will be quicker.”

  “Okay.” We lock up the garage and go to my bike. I get on and lean it a little so that she can get on behind me. I give her my helmet. Saige puts her arms around my waist and her head on my shoulder. I am in heaven. Damn if I don’t get hard. I can’t stop the little shiver that runs through me and I hope that she doesn’t feel it. “You okay?” she asks. I nod as we take off. She tightens her arms around me a little and I feel a shiver run through her. Glad to know I’m not the only one affected. When we pull up to the clubhouse gate, a prospect lets us in and we park beside Tire’s bike.

  Saige slowly gets off the bike, handing me my helmet. “Cotton, before we go in, I need to thank you. I haven’t had a chance to really thank you in person for my necklace you got me, then for what you did for me the other night. You don’t know how much that means to me. If you hadn’t helped me, it would have gotten so much worse.” Saige hugs me and again I am enveloped by her scent. I could drown in her. I hug her back, when she loosens up on the hug and starts to back away, I look down and see a mischievous grin on her face. She tiptoes up, kisses me on the mouth and walks away. So, she wants to play. I love to play. I start to follow her ins
ide to church.

  Stone is already at the head of the table. Cruz is to his right; I sit to the left. Saige is beside me. Loki beside his dad. Tires is on the other side of Saige. We wait for everyone to get inside before Stone starts. “Okay, sorry to drag everyone in here in the middle of the work day, but this seems to be pretty damn important. So Cotton, take the floor.”

  I look around at everyone. “Y’all may remember a gang that we have had a run in with a few times, Ghosts of Darkness. They have been seen in town a few times the past couple of days. They are causing havoc, breaking into places, vandalism, spreading word that they are coming for us. They’re still pissed that their last Pres and Sargent of Arms went to prison, where both were murdered by rival gangs. The new Pres from what little I have learned is the son of the old one. I’ve had Tech looking into all the cameras from town, including the traffic cams, to see if we can see where they are going or coming from, but so far, nothing.” I turn to look at Saige then back to Stone, silently conveying that she may be in danger. He gives me a chin lift, so I know he got it.

  Stone looks at everyone before saying, “Okay, Tech, stay on the computer and cameras. Do whatever it is that you do. The rest of you, stay vigilant. We know what they’re like, what they’ll do. The last time we tangled with them, we had a couple get shot while we were busting up a sex trafficking ring. These are some sick sons of bitches, and if they want to come at us, they are more than welcome. But this club’ll continue to fight for what is right. For now, we’re going to go on a soft lockdown until we figure out what’s going on. If the women go out, I always want at least two patched members with them. Saige, that includes you. You go nowhere unless Tires, Cotton, or Loki are one of the patched with you. You got me, girl?”