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Renegade Vipers
Shannon McFadden
About the Author
Author’s notes:
The Renegade Vipers MC: Saige
1. Saige
2. Saige
3. Cotton
4. Saige
5. Cotton
6. Saige
7. Cotton
8. Saige
9. Cotton
10. Saige
11. Cotton
12. Saige
13. Stone
14. Saige
15. Bexley
16. Saige
17. Cotton
18. Bexley
19. Saige
20. Cotton
21. Saige
22. Cotton
23. Saige
24. Cotton
25. Saige
26. Cotton
27. Saige
28. Cotton
29. Saige
30. Cotton
31. Saige
32. Cotton
33. Saige
34. Cotton
35. Saige
36. Cotton
Saige Farrell is the Princess of the Renegade Vipers MC, as well as a patched member. Her dad is the president, and her brother owns his own custom bike shop. She dreams of owning her own bakery and becoming the old lady to the man she has loved for years.
Cotton Larsen is the VP of RVMC, best friends with the president’s son, and half owner of the Torque Wrench Custom Build and Bike Shop. He is in love with Saige but feels he isn’t worthy of her because of his past. Right when he decides to commit and see if she will give him a chance, she is kidnapped by a rival mc.
Will the Renegade Vipers get her back? Will she give Cotton a chance or will she walk away?
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
The Renegade Vipers MC. Book One: Saige
Copyright 2019 © Shannon McFadden
Published by: Shannon McFadden
Editors: Darlene Tallman and Liberty Parker
Format by: Liberty Parker
Cover by Tracie Douglas at Dark Water Covers
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Shannon McFadden, the author / publisher.
This book is dedicated to my mommy, Jane Ferguson, my husband, Lloyd, Debbie, and to my best buddies, Sue Trivette and Amanda Woodard. Also, to my daddy, Jim. I love and miss you so much. I hope that it makes you proud that I followed my dreams, that you pushed me towards for so long. Thank you all for the encouragement and pushing me to fulfill my dream when I was ready to give up.
RVMC Original members, family, friends
James Farrell- (Stone)- President of the RVMC and Cooper’s and Saige’s dad
Saige Farrell- only female member, owner of Saige’s Sweet Treats bakery and cafe
Cooper Farrell – (Tires)- member, co-owner of Torque Wrench Custom Build and Bike Repair with Cotton, Marine
Finnick Larsen- (Cotton) – VP, Marine
Stella Farrell Gomez- Stone’s sister, married to Cruz, Loki’s mom
Javier Gomez- (Cruz)- club enforcer, and Stone’s best friend
Hoyt James Gomez- (Loki)- Stone’s nephew, born same day as Saige
Bear- SSA
Wolfe – Secretary, EMT
Hawke – member also EMT
Doc- club doctor
Buck- member
Beth- Buck’s daughter, close friend of Saige
Bethany- Beth’s daughter
Grange- member. Cousin to Saige
Tonya- Saige’s mother
Alivia- works the bar at the clubhouse, good friend to Saige
Sloane- Loki’s girlfriend
Bexley- becomes best friend to Saige
Mr. Earl Bumgardner- patient in hospital, friend to Saige
Alma- Earl’s sitter
Acer- member, owns Renegade tattoo
Leilani- works at Renegade tattoo, dating Stone
Bacon- prospect, police officer
Ryker & Skip- members, work at Torque
Tech- member, computer genius
Poppy & Lilly- twins, friends since school to Saige and Loki
Commander Thomas- police commander, friend to club
Brennon Lewis- served with Cotton and Tires, Bexley’s cousin
Lynch – Pres
Rubble- VP
Black Forest Chapter
Barq- Pres
Rancor- President of Ghost of Darkness MC
Snake- former Pres of GoD, Rancor’s dad, deceased
Hellboy- former SSA, deceased
Michael Simms- Bexley’s abusive ex, his brother John is the state senator
Dayna- club ho, obsessed with Cotton
Matt Rivers- ex prospect for RVMC
About the Author
I was born in Georgia, raised in small town West Virginia before moving to small town Tennessee when I was eleven. I’m just a southern raised girl, who loves to read and write. I have always loved to read, my dad installed that in me. He would read books and the comics, then newspaper to me every day when I was little. He and my momma have always loved to read my short stories and poems. It’s because of them that I decided to put myself out there. I love to cook and bake in my spare time, and I make a mean triple chocolate cake. I am married to my high school sweetheart, and we have four very spoiled fur babies.
You can find me on facebook on my author page, Shannon McFadden Author
Author’s notes:
There is an attempted rape in this book, along with physical violence, foul language, and explicit sex scenes. Due to this, this book is recommended for readers 18 and up.
LEO- law enforcement officer
BOLO- be on look out
Makuahine- mom or mother in Hawaiian
Keiki- child in Hawaiian
Tutu- Hawaiian for grandmother or grandfather
The Renegade Vipers MC: Saige
by Shannon McFadden
Stone stood in the nursery waiting for the nurse to hand him his baby girl. His brother by choice, brother-in-law, and Enforcer, Cruz, was standing next to him holding his newborn son, Hoyt James Gomez. Stone looked out the nursery window to see that more of their brothers and their old ladies had shown up. Grange was holding Cooper up so he could see his sister. As the nurse handed the baby to him, Stone got tears in his eyes looking at how beautiful she was.
Cooper, or Tires as he was called, was so excited to see his father and uncle walk up to the window holding the babies. He exclaimed loudly, "That's my baby sister, Saige, and my cousin!" Everyone around him laughed, and the old ladies had tears running down their faces. Stone smiled. He had promised Cooper that he could help name his baby sister. App
arently when he said the name Saige, he had meant it.
So he looked at everyone and said, "Folks, meet Saige Noelle Farrell, and Cruz’s boy, Hoyt James Gomez." He and Cruz got congrats from all their brothers and their old ladies. "Pres, I'm going to take Hoyt down to see Stella."
"Hey man, give her my love. I'll be down to see her in a bit. I need to get down and see how Tonya is. I guess..."
"Mr. Farrell? Excuse me, I am so sorry to interrupt you, but the young lady that came in and delivered your baby, your surrogate? She has signed herself out and left against doctor’s wishes. She left this note for you."
"Yeah okay, thank you," he said as the nurse walked away. Stone laid Saige down in her bassinet and looked at Cruz. "What the hell, man?"
"Best read over the note, Pres."
"Dear Stone,
Please don't be upset with me, but I told the doc and nurse that I was your surrogate. You knew all along that I never really wanted to have a baby. I didn't get rid of it because you wanted it so badly. Nor did I want to stay with your club or be tied down. I have feelings for you. I always will. I know that you will take care of your daughter, for you are an amazing father to your son already. Please don't come looking for me. If for some reason in the future you need my medical history, I left a copy of it back in your room at the clubhouse. Please don't tell her a lie about me. Don't ever sugarcoat it either. She needs to know the truth, always.
Take care.
“What the hell is this?” Stone showed the note to Cruz, who shook his head the whole time he read it over.
"She doesn't want her own child, but doesn't want you to not tell her differently? Is the bitch on crack?" He looked up at his best friend and Pres. Stone had so much anger and disbelief on his face, he didn't know what to say to him. "Come with me to see Stella. You know she’ll want to see her niece as well as her son." Stone just nodded and followed him down to Stella’s room while the nurses followed with the bassinets.
Stella was sitting up in bed listening to Cooper talk about how he was going to protect and teach his baby sister and cousin all kinds of things as they grew up, when Stone and Cruz walked in the room. "There's my fellas. How are you boys?" she joked. Cruz leaned down to kiss her. Stone smiled and moved to let the nurses bring in the babies.
Cooper jumped off the bed and ran to his father, hugging his leg. "Daddy, I was telling Aunt Stella that I am going to protect and teach Saige and Hoy all kinds of things."
Stone looked down at his son, and ran his hand through his dark hair, saying, " I know you will, Son. They’ll be your best friends, just like Cruz and Stella are my best friends. You’ll have a bond so strong, no one will ever be able to break it. There’ll be times when you and your sister may fight and argue, but that’s natural. But it doesn't mean that you won't stop loving or protecting each other. Trust me, Son, just because she’s a girl and younger than you, doesn’t mean she won’t protect you too." Cooper looked at his dad with wonderment on his face, and then asked if he could hold his sister. Cruz quietly leaned in and told Stella what had happened with Tonya as Stone had Cooper sit down in a chair so he could help him hold Saige.
He looked up and Cruz took a pic of the kids and him as Stella said, "You know that I’ll help with Saige, just as I do with little Tires. We are a family and we take care of ours."
"I know that, Stella. I appreciate it. I’ll try not to put too much on you. You have your own little one now."
"James Lee Farrell, you’re my brother, and they’re my nephew and niece! Yes, I have my own child, but I’m going to help you with them. I won’t have some skanky club whore coming in thinking that she can play mommy to them!" Cruz looked at his wife and then to Stone, just smirking.
"Cooper, remember what I said about sisters protecting you even if they’re younger? Aunt Stella is still protecting me. " He smiled at her.
Cooper just smiled really big. "I can't wait until Sissy and Hoy are big enough to have fun with." All three adults in the room just smiled at the young boy.
21 years later
I push a strand of my long, black, curly hair back behind my ear. Sighing, I stare at the bed, trying to pick between two bikinis. The clubhouse is throwing a huge birthday bash for Loki and me. Stella had gone out and bought me a brand-new wardrobe, one that was more grown up and a little sexier, as she put it. I laughed as I looked at some of the clothes now hanging in my closest. If that was a little sexier, I would hate to see what a lot sexier was. I would probably be dressed like some of the club hoes. Looking back at the bikinis, I realize I have to pick one. Finally picking the green one with the little skulls on it, I put it on, then a pair of cut-off shorts and a Renegade Vipers MC tank top. I put my hair in a French braid, put on a pair of sandals, and locking my room, head out to the common area.
As soon as I walk into the common room, Loki comes up and crushes me in a bear hug. "Happy birthday, BFF!"
Laughing and hugging him, I say the same back. "Now are we still on for tomorrow? I have everything set up, so if I have to sneak out I can."
"Yeah, everything is a go. I talked to Acer. He's closing up just for us."
"Yay! I'm so excited!"
Grange walks towards us saying, "Loki, Saige, you two need to be getting ready and getting your butts up to the lake. Stella is going to have a cow if you don't get up there soon. Everyone is already up there. Your dads are looking for you, the Nomads are here, and Pyro is going to drive Cotton or Tires to homicide. "
Laughing at Grange, we follow him out the door and get on the ATV with him. The clubhouse is set on over two hundred acres of land and we have a big lake on the property. The guys built a huge pavilion by the lake, with a large outdoor kitchen, bar, fridge, grill, and stove. It has it all. There are even enough picnic tables to fit everyone. Down closer to the lake are a couple of fire pits, and a beach area with sand for the kids to play and swim at. They set up a rope swing and a dock. It’s one of my favorite places to go. I always go to the huge weeping cherry tree that sits down by the shore.
After a ten-minute ride on the ATV we make it to the lake. Laughing almost the whole way, because Loki and Grange are cracking jokes. That’s nothing unusual. That was how Hoyt got the name Loki. Growing up, me, Hoyt, and Cooper were all inseparable. We were constantly getting into trouble, pulling pranks on some of the older brothers in the MC, and at school. But at school it was a different story. The boys still goofed off and I did when I was with them, but I was kinda quiet when they weren't around. It wasn't until Cooper turned seventeen and graduated that things changed up a little. He and his best friend, Cotton, began to prospect after their four years in the Marines, and it didn't take long before they were given babysitting duty over me and Loki, who were in our senior year at high school. Cotton wasn't one to joke around much. He seemed to hate me from the minute he saw me. He was always short with me, and only talked to me when he had to. Which broke my heart. I was in love with him and had been since I was fifteen. I sigh.
"You okay?" Loki asks giving me a little nudge.
I look up startled. "Yeah, I guess I got lost in my thoughts there for a minute. Sorry, Loki. "
We get off the ATV and he puts his arm around me as we look around. Everyone from the MC is here. Most of the Nomads, and even some of the Black Forest charter are here.
"Damn, Mom made sure they went all out for this didn't she?" he asks.
I barely smile as I look around. There're too many people here. I'll go crazy. I see our dads and Tires. Bumping Loki with my arm and nodding in their direction, we head that way, his arm still around my shoulders.
"There's my baby girl. Happy birthday, sweetheart!" Dad says as he kisses me on the cheek.
"Thank you, Daddy." I smile. Happy birthdays are given to the both of us by everyone in the group. Even Cotton. Loki and I thank them all. They are all talking and joking. I look over at Tires, asking, "Hey, do you need a
ny help at the garage? I can do the books, answer the phone, inventory, help draw up some designs or paint, whatever."
"Are you serious, sis? I thought you wanted to make cakes?"
"Well, I can still make cakes and help you out. It's not like I’m going to open up a bakery or anything. I don’t know how well one would do. I... "
He looks at me like I’ve grown horns. " Sis, you draw better than I do! Stella had you make your own birthday cake, but she decorated it."
"You make the best damn cakes, bread, cookies, pies, and candy I’ve tasted. You’d do great with a bakery," Cotton states.
Surprised, I stutter. "O-oh, th-thank you. "
"Why do you want to help out at the garage?" Tires asks.
"I just need to get a little more money saved before I can put the down payment on the building for the bakery that I really do want to open," I reply with a grin.
"Yeah, you can help out some." He grins back at me.