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Saige Page 13
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Page 13
She looks at me, and her eyes fill with tears. “Saige, I had quit taking my birth control a while back, not letting Loki know. He doesn’t want kids right now, and I haven’t told him. I’m trying to get the money for an abortion, that way he doesn’t find out.”
I look at her shocked. “Loki would want a child, especially y’alls child together. You just need to tell him.”
“NO! And I refuse to let you tell him. I have most of the money, and I’m going to do this. My body, my choice!” She slams down the rag she’s holding and walks out of the bakery, getting in her car, squealing tires as she leaves.
“Loki!!” He comes running out front with everyone else.
“What is it, Saige, are you okay?” He has his gun drawn.
“Yeah, put that away. We need to find out where Sloane is staying. She’s going to do something so stupid, and we need to stop her, talk sense into her.” I’m crying and losing my breath.
Loki pulls me over to a stool, “Saige, sit and calm down. Tell me what Sloane said to you.”
“Loki, let’s get the video and watch it, Saige is too upset right this second,” Bacon says. They go in the back leaving me out front with Beth and Bexley.
A few minutes later I hear Loki scream, “That fucking bitch! The hell she will kill my kid!’” Both girls look at me shocked. I nod and tell them what she told me quietly. They both start crying too. Loki and Bacon both come back out front with us.
“Loki, call her, go find her, stop her.” He comes over and hugs me.
“Saige, I had Tech ping her phone, she’s already headed to Camden. By the time I get y’all back to the club and catch up to her, who knows where she’ll be or what she’ll be doing. I ...” Loki’s phone starts ringing. Looking at it to see who is calling he answers, “Whatcha got Tech?” He is pacing back and forth. “Yeah, okay man, thanks for trying.”
“Hey, man, what’s up?” Bacon asks.
Loki looks at us. “She has turned her phone off and ditched her car. She spotted the prospects, went into a diner, and they waited but she never came back out. When they went in to look for her and asked the waitress where she went, she said she went out the back and got in a truck with some guy, taking off. So we’ve lost her for now. Tech has a thing set up that if she turns her phone back on, we’ll know where she is instantly.”
I get up and hug him to me.
“Saige, I never told her that I didn’t want kids.”
I look up at him. “I know.” Loki has always talked about being a dad. He loves kids, so this has me thinking maybe it wasn’t his baby or she wasn’t pregnant at all and wanted the money for something else, like meth. Especially since her pupils were dilated some. And she has been acting differently, I just didn’t notice it or put it all together until a few minutes ago.
Loki looks at me shocked, “You honestly think that?”
Oh shit, I said that out loud, damn pregnancy brain! “That’s the only thing I can think of, Loki. You said once that no matter what, you’ll use condoms until you are married. And here she is wanting to get rid of the baby. Either it isn’t yours, or she is making the whole thing up, just trying to get more money. And if it is drugs like I suspect, then she is going to go through a lot of money. No wonder she wanted Grandma’s ring. That ring is worth several grand.”
He starts pacing again, “Ya know, she has been asking for money a lot lately, and saying that it’s for this or that. But I never see anything come of it. She even went to Mom and Dad for money once. And I know she asked you for more, right after you gave her that thousand when you got out of the hospital, as a thank you for all she did.”
I nod.
“She’s asked everyone for money that is in this room that I know of. Tires told her to fuck off when she asked him,” Bexley tells us.
“Guys, as much as I hate what is happening, especially since it is happening to my bestie, we need to get things cleaned up and close. I’m hungry and exhausted.” They all agree to being hungry.
Bacon goes and calls in a huge order of pizzas, cheese bread, and salads for us, with lots of extra ranch dressing. I crave it on most everything now. That and cheese. Cotton has even teased that if they were both boys, he was naming them Colby and Jack Ranch. I had laughed. After placing the order, Bacon texts Tires, Cotton, and Liv to let them know that we have dinner coming to the clubhouse, and we’ll be there about the same time. I have Beth get some cookies and cupcakes to box up to take home. Dessert is taken care of. Bexley and I clean up in the back, the guys lock up, and help us out to the truck. Beth is having to ride home with us, her dad had dropped her off this morning. It’s been one wild, crazy, earth-shattering day, and I feel like there’s more to come before we can get to sleep. I rub my stomach, vowing in my mind and heart to always love and protect my babies.
I got a phone call from Tech telling me what was going on with Sloane, asking for permission to put the trace on her. I sent the prospects after her, but they lost her. Saige is upset, and even more upset for Loki. She is still upset over the things that Bexley has gone through and told us this morning. After church and talking to Commander Thomas, I went straight to the bar and got a couple of shots of Jack. Tires was right beside me. We talked for a bit, trying to figure out exactly what to do. Commander Thomas wasn’t exactly sure how to go about it yet. There was no proof to back up Bexley’s story of abuse, except maybe the hospital records, and the word of her bodyguard. But she only knew his first name, not his last. Also, they’re across the state from us. So unless someone actually comes here after the girls, then there was nothing to do, except stay vigilant.
I look at Tires, “Hey man, when are you going to get your head out of your ass?”
He looks up at me. “What the hell do you mean by that?”
I smirk at him. “Bex.”
He shakes his head. “She just clung to me, because I was the first one there when she woke up in the hospital, and I’ve helped her and taken care of her here.”
“Fucking dumbass. That girl is in love with you. Just like Saige is with me. Don’t waste years like I did, man. Grab on to her and don’t let her go.”
He looks defeated, “I can’t man. Not until I know for sure.” He gets up to walk away when both of our phones ping. Looking down I see a mass text from Bacon, telling us that dinner has been ordered for delivery and they should be here about the same time. Good, I’m starving, and I know my girl has been craving ranch and cheese badly, so I bet you anything it’s pizza. Twenty minutes later they all walk in the front door, and I immediately go to my girl. She looks so worn out.
“Come on, Butterfly, let’s get you settled at the table, and you eat. I’ll rub your feet and back when we go to the room.” She smiles up at me and I kiss her. Getting her to sit, Bacon and Loki lay everything out. I grab the extra cup of ranch that has Saige’s name on it, laughing, and I sit it in front of her. It’s a large drink cup full of ranch. I make her a plate and give it to her. I get her a big glass of sweet tea, and then I make my plate. I sit beside her, and after everyone has their plates fixed, Bethany comes running up to the table, hugging everyone, and instead of sitting beside her mom, she sits between Saige and Loki. Beth just laughs. She sets out the cookies and cupcakes.
I look at the girls, “Okay y’all. Commander Thomas is pretty upset. Basically, there’s nothing he can do, unless someone comes after you here. Even with the proof of the IP address, any good attorney can say that they were hacked. It would be hard to dispute. So, we just always have to keep guys with you both. I know you get tired of it and feel suffocated. But it’s for your safety.” Bexley looks like she is going to cry, and Saige just nods her head sighing.
She reaches her hand out and grabs Bexley’s, stating, “We get out of this together! We are stronger together.” Bex smiles and agrees.
“Momma, I eats. I wants cookies and cupcakes!” Bethany screams. Everyone laughs. Alivia gives her a cookie and a cupcake with
Beth’s approval. Tires doesn’t really say anything much, once he got through eating, he kissed his sister’s head and left, saying goodnight to everyone. Beth takes Bethany to give her a bath and get her ready for bed. Bexley and Alivia decide to watch a movie. Loki goes to talk to Tech, and he kisses Saige on her head goodnight as well.
“Come on, baby, let’s go get you ready for bed. We’ll relax and I’ll rub you down. Bacon, can you get a couple of the prospects to clean up?”
Bacon laughs, “Sure thing, Cotton. Y’all have a good night.” We both laugh like crazy when we see that Saige has grabbed two boxes of cheese bread, a spinach pizza, and her cup of ranch to take to the room.
“Hey, I get hungry a lot with these two. And this keeps you from hunting down my cravings or leaving to go get them.”
I raise my hands up in defeat. “Let’s go, Butterfly.”
Once in the room, I put the food in the fridge. Saige goes straight to the shower. I follow her in and wash her off. I’d love to bend her over and take her right here, but I know how tired she is. So I hurry to wash off, get us some towels, and dry us both off. She climbs into bed and waits on me. I get her a bottle of Gatorade to keep by the table, and then I climb in beside her, after I get my drink as well. “Put something on tv, baby, I’m going to rub your legs and feet.” I give her a kiss, stop and kiss her stomach, then lay at the bottom of the bed. Her feet have taken to swelling a lot, especially when she is at the bakery. I ordered some special rugs for her, that are supposed to give her feet support but be soft at the same time.
“Oh God, Finn, that feels so good. I love you,” I hear her murmur.
“I love you too.” I look up at her and she is out with the remote still in her hand. Laughing softly to myself, I rub her other foot. I pull her down in the bed some, so that she is comfortable, and I get in beside her. She snuggles into me as much as she can, and I hold her, rubbing her back. I’ll be glad when we go to the doctor in a couple of days. I worry about her.
It’s been a few weeks since we went to Saige’s appointment. The doctor said everything looked fine, and that the swelling, tiredness, and vomiting are normal. The swelling and tiredness will probably just get worse as the pregnancy goes, especially since she is carrying twins. We’re getting ready to go back to the doctor today to find out what we’re having if the babies cooperate. I’m excited. Saige is at twenty weeks now, and to me she just gets more beautiful. I help her out to the truck and help her up in it, and we drive to the doctor with Loki, Bacon, Stone, and Tires following us. They know that they won’t find out until tonight at a family dinner. Saige is burning up, so she has on another pair of maternity shorts and a tank top. The receptionist looks up when we all walk in. Bacon stays outside to keep an eye out. She smiles. She knows most of us. “Hey y’all. Saige, Dr. Holmes will be with you soon. Are they all going back with you?”
“No, just Cotton.”
The nurse calls us back and Saige has to get weighed, get her blood pressure taken, and pee in a cup. I wait in the room for her.
When she comes in, Dr. Holmes is right behind her. “How are you feeling, Saige? Anything different since last time?”
“No, it’s pretty much the same.”
He is looking at her chart, “Okay, well your blood pressure was up just a tad, not enough to worry about it yet, but we’ll have to keep an eye on it. With most multiple pregnancies we have to keep a really close eye on it. Sydney will be in to do your ultrasound in just a minute. See you in a month, unless you need me before then.”
“Okay, thank you, Dr. Holmes.”
I reach my hand out to grab a hold of hers. I give it a light squeeze and bring it up to my lips for a kiss. “Are you as excited as I am, Butterfly?”
“Yeah, I am, just a little nervous also.”
“Me too, to be honest.” We both look up as Sydney comes in the room with the sonogram machine. “Hey guys. How are y’all doing today? Are you ready to see if these babies will cooperate?”
I smile as Saige talks to her. “We are good, excited and nervous both. How are you doing?”
Sydney looks up a little surprised. “I’m good. Thank you. Hardly anyone asks me how I am. Okay, hun, you know the drill.”
Saige lays back and pulls her shirt up and then her shorts down some. Sydney takes some towels and folds them under and over her clothes. She squirts some kind of gel on her stomach and uses a wand to push it around. After she pushes a couple of buttons on the machine a sound fills the room, and I tear up. It’s the most beautiful sound I have heard. I grab my phone out of my pocket and hit record. I want to remember this sound forever. She pushes a few more buttons and on the screen a picture shows up. She points out the body parts and does measurements. “Okay you two. Want to know the gender of the babies? Both are being good and showing me.” We both say yes.
“Okay, baby A…… is a boy. And baby B……… is a girl. Congratulations, mom and dad. One of each.”
I kiss Saige and thank Sydney. She laughs as she prints pictures off for us. She even prints one off for us to give to Stone. She leaves the room, and I help Saige clean the gel off her. Once she is ready to go, we head out and make her next appointment. Stone, Loki, and Tires all stand up as we get to them. We have the pictures put up in Saige’s purse.
“Y’all will find out at the family dinner tonight at Casa Bella. So no trying to get it out of us before then,” Saige tells them. Stone gets a pout on his face, it’s so funny that we all burst out laughing.
“You can wait a few hours, Daddy,” Saige says as she hugs him. We get back to the clubhouse and we go to the room to get ready for our dinner. Saige is taking her clothes off and goes into the bathroom to wash off. She hates that gel, and says it feels like it is still on her. I get her a dress out of her closet that she hasn’t seen before. It’s white with little sugar skulls on it, and ties at the neck. I lay it on the bed for her. I got it the other day when I had to go on a short run. I change into some darker jeans, a black tank, and a black button up shirt, rolling the sleeves up to my elbows. Saige comes out of the bathroom and whistles at me. “You look good enough to eat, babe.”
I look at her and smile, then kiss her forehead. “I can definitely say the same thing about you right now. I laid you out a dress. I know it will be more comfortable for you.”
She walks over to the bed and squeals. “Where did you get this? I love it.”
“I got it the other day on the way back from that run I did with Cruz. I’m glad you like it, Butterfly. Let’s get it on you and get out there so we can meet everyone so we can go. I want to get back and slowly peel that dress off you.” Her eyes become hooded. I kiss her and help her get the dress on. She wears her sandals with it. She looks amazing with her curly hair down. I can’t wait to tell the others what we are having. We already have the names picked out and will let everyone know them as well.
The family is all together at the restaurant and we have all placed our orders. I have Cotton on my left and Loki on my right. Dad and Leilani are across from us, with Tires, Bexley, Stella, and Cruz there as well. We have an empty chair at the table, and I can’t figure out why. Cotton stands up, and pulls the chair out, for Tonya to sit down. “What are you doing here? Don’t you know that you could’ve brought Rancor right to Saige and Bexley?!” my dad asks with venom in his voice.
Tonya looks at him, not backing down. “I was invited to be here. Like it or not, Stone, Saige is my daughter, and she and I are trying to get to know one another. She told me that she explained everything to you about why I did what I did. I had to keep you all safe. As for Rancor, he’s gone. Crashed his bike head on into a truck while in a shootout with the cops up in Johnson County, killing him instantly. I just want to be here for Saige and Cotton.”
He goes to say something else to her, but I interrupt him. “Daddy, please not tonight, not here. This is a happy occasion, I have you and Mom, my brother, best friends, aunt and uncle, and T
onya all here. This is what I wanted. Cotton and I agreed. Tonya is my biological mother, and she put herself in harm’s way to get to you, to help Bex and me. I believe her and would like the chance to get to know her. I’m not trying to replace anyone.”
He looks at me, and sighs. “Okay, baby girl. Tonya, I’m sorry. Saige did explain everything to us. I know it couldn’t have been easy for you.”
“Thank you, Stone.” I introduce Tonya to Leilani, and it’s then that the food is brought out. Tonya even has a plate. Cotton looks at me.
“I ordered for her, she told me what she liked. I love you, baby.”
I smile really big at him, “I love you too.” The table gets quiet for a minute. Cruz says grace, then we all start to eat, talking and just enjoying being together. Leilani and Tonya are talking, and I watch as Dad listens and smiles here and there. I’m glad that they are at least trying to get along, though it seems the women have hit it off pretty well. Once everyone is done eating, Cotton hands out envelopes to everyone. We fixed the photos of the babies so that each was personalized to how the person was related to them.
I watch as Dad and Leilani open their envelope. Their picture says ‘Hello Papaw and Tutu. <3’ Dad is just smiling like crazy, and Leilani has a couple of tears running down her face.
I look around at everyone and when I look up at Cotton, he nods his head and smiles. “Okay y’all. I think we have kept y’all in the dark long enough. Baby A is a boy, and baby B is a girl. We have names already also. Joseph Donovan and Nellie Marie Rose. Joseph is Cotton’s grandfather and you know Donovan was his brother. Nellie Marie was his grandma, and Rose, well Leilani, I had to name her after you as well.”
Leilani gets up from her chair and comes around the table to hug me, crying. “Thank you, my baby girl. It is an honor.” Everyone is congratulating us, and we are so caught up in the moment, that we don’t see Dayna come in and up to the table for a minute.