Saige Read online

Page 12

  “You ready to head to the room, butterfly?” She nods and we say goodnight to everyone. I grab a few of the cupcakes, and a couple of slices of cake and wrap them up to take with us. I’ll put them in the fridge in the room.

  As soon as I unlock the door, Saige takes off running to the bathroom. I shut the door and put the desserts in the fridge. That’s when I hear her getting sick. I go in with her, pull her hair up, rubbing her back. When she gets done being sick, I get her a cold wash cloth, and fix her toothbrush for her. Once she is ready, I walk her back into the room. “Baby, going to undress you, get you ready for bed,” I tell her. She kicks her sandals off, and I lift her shirt up, then reach around her to undo her bra. I let it all fall to the floor. I drop to my knees to kiss her stomach. It’s then that I notice some new ink on her side. I look at it. “Butterfly, is that what I think it is?”

  She smiles at me, saying, “Yes. It’s a cotton blossom and a butterfly. I thought it would be better than the actual words written on me. This is my property tattoo for you.”

  I run my fingers over it gently and kiss it too. I pull her pants and panties down and pick her up. I kiss her holding her close, then carry her over to the bed. I pull the blanket and sheet back, laying her down. I go to the bathroom, come back, strip down, and slide in beside her. I pull her into me, and she lays her head on my chest. I pull the blanket up. “Do you want to watch tv until you fall asleep?”

  Saige yawns, “Yeah, that’s fine. You pick us something. I don’t care what we watch.” I laugh and kiss her. I grab the remote and look through the channels. I finally see something I know we both will like and put it on it. Saige giggles a little when she sees that I’ve put it on True Blood. She has all the books, and we both like the show. She snuggles in closer to me, and by the third episode she is out. I turn the volume down and watch it for a bit longer, not really paying attention. My mind is on the woman in my arms. The mother of my children. Twins. Wow. I want to talk to Stone again about that house I want to build up by the lake for us. I know Saige will love it. I have it all planned out, and I’m hoping now that we can get it done before we have the babies. I have her ring in my room. I’m going to propose tomorrow. I’d already planned everything out with Stone and Loki. They are helping me set it all up. I know Saige loves that big Japanese weeping cherry tree. I’m taking her there. I just hope she knows I’m not asking because of the babies. I lightly rub her belly. I can’t believe I didn’t notice the little roundness that is there before. I fall asleep with my hand on her stomach.

  “Saige, dress comfortable. We are going to go up to the lake,” I tell her. She is just now getting out of the shower.

  “Okay, babe. Be ready in a minute.”

  “I have to run into my room to get my trunks, I’ll be right back.” I rush out and go get her ring. I hide it in my pocket and go back to see if she is ready. Loki just went up and set out a huge blanket with a picnic basket for me, along with a cooler and radio. Walking back into her room, I see her throwing a dress type thing over her bikini. “You ready, butterfly?”

  “Yeah, I think I have everything I need in my bag here.” I take the bag from her and grab ahold of her hand, walking out to the ATV that we are going to take up there. I love these things. The seats with the seatbelts, the windshield, the top that can be taken off. When we pull up to the pavilion, I park, and help her out. I hold her hand as I walk her down the path to the tree and picnic. Loki even went ahead and set up a few pillows to lean back on. Or lay on. Saige gasps when she sees everything. “Finn, did you… you didn’t have to do this. It’s beautiful.” She smiles at me.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s go sit down. Stella fixed some of your favorites for us for lunch.” I help her settle against one of the pillows under the tree. I set all the food out. Chicken tenders, potato salad, strawberries, grapes, cheese cubes, even little cups of ranch. I see her looking at everything smiling. Deciding I can’t wait, I get on my knee beside her. I grab her hand, “Saige, my beautiful butterfly. I had this planned before you surprised me last night with the second of the best things to ever happen to me. You are the first. I’m sorry that I’ve been hot and cold with you, but you’ve helped me with that. I do love you with all my heart and soul, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you please do me the honor of being my wife and old lady?” I hold my breath waiting for her answer. I look and see tears running down her face.

  “Yes! Yes, Finnick! I love you so much!” I slip the ring on her finger and kiss her until we are both breathless.

  We spend the day at the lake just the two of us, talking about anything and everything. Swimming, it’s in the nineties. I tell her about the house that I am going to build for us up here, on the other side of the lake, and point out the spot to her. I love the look of excitement she gets about that. We talk about how many rooms we want in it, and I tell her that I have Ryker and his crew ready to start on it. We talk about the babies and think of some names. Early I know, but I’m so damn excited about this. I feel like the luckiest man in the world. I’ve got everything I need in my arms right now. We eat our lunch, and when Saige gets to feeling bad, I take her back to the clubhouse to get some rest.

  We barely get in the door, when Stone yells for us. We head to the common room where he is. He’s smiling as we walk in and he sees the ring on her hand. But he stops when he sees how pale she is. “Congratulations, baby girl. We have an engagement dinner and party planned for tonight for you two. Why don’t you take my grandbabies you are carrying, and go rest up a little?” He hugs her and kisses her forehead.

  “I’ll walk you back to the room, then I need to come back out and talk to Ryker and your dad, okay, baby?” She looks up at me smiling. I walk her back to the room and help her get comfortable. I kiss her as she lays down, saying, “Call or text if you need me.” She barely nods before she is out, so I walk quietly to the door and lock it on my way out. I find Ryker and Stone in the bar with Tech, and none of them look very happy. “Ah, hell. Let me grab a beer then tell me what’s going on.” Cruz chuckles a little, coming up beside me getting a beer.

  Tech looks at me, “I finally cracked that IP address. It’s bad, Cotton, like really bad.” I look at Tech and the others.

  “Shall we take this to my office, boys? We are starting to get a crowd in here. I want to talk this over before we add any of the others,” Stone says, walking towards his office.

  “Okay, you all may remember Bexley talking about an ex-boyfriend that she’s been hiding from? She said that he was crazy, abusive, and nearly killed her a couple of times choking her. Well, I believe it was his brother that put the bid in on the girls. At least that is what the IP address is saying. He’s one of the senators of our state. His name is John Simms, his brother is Michael Simms. And they come from old money. John worked hard to get where he is, but he’s a bribe taker, and lets things slide in the direction he wants them to. Michael has always been spoiled, he follows his brother, who put him in a job right under him, that isn’t really a job. It’s one that is made just for Michael. John likes to keep him close, so that he can cover for him quickly when he does something,” Tech explains.

  “How in the world did Bexley get hooked up with these guys? And how’d she get away?” Cruz asks.

  “Those are great questions, and she’s going to answer them when we go to church. Gather everyone up, and let’s find out,” Stone says.

  I walk back down the hall to Saige’s room. We both have been living in it, might as well say our room. She isn’t on the bed when I walk in. So I check the bathroom when I hear water running. She’s washing her face off. “Butterfly, are you okay?” I go up behind her and rub her back.

  “Hmmm, yeah. Your kids decided lunch should come up.”

  I laugh at that. Turning her in my arms I look into her beautiful eyes, kiss her forehead. “We have to go to church. I know you probably don’t feel like it, but Tech found out something big. Also, Bexley must be in there, it’s all connected to her.�
�� I see her go pale, but I try to reassure her everything will be okay. I take her hand and we walk down the hall to church.



  “Bexley, we need you to tell us about what happened and how you know Michael Simms,” my dad says.

  She is shaking like a leaf and looks shocked that Dad knows about him, but she nods her head, ‘Well, I started dating Michael when he came into a bar I was working at. I did the books for them and helped serve if I had to. Michael was so sweet at first. He would bring me dinner and flowers, he would take me out to these fancy restaurants, a couple of the Panthers football games and he even took me to a few of the ballets and operas. I hated the drive to the games, but he loved going into North Carolina all the time. Especially around the Charlotte area. He talked me into moving in with him within just a couple of months of dating. As soon as I moved in, he changed. He didn’t want me to be alone ever, so he put a bodyguard on me. After a couple more weeks, I wasn’t allowed to work anymore. I was glad that I had my money saved and not in my name. I had kept my mom’s checking account that I had power of attorney over and stuck all my money in it. The bank owner was my uncle. So, he helped with that. Then one night, Michael came home, messed up out of his mind, and he forced himself on me. The more I fought, the more he hit me. He finally beat me so badly that I could hardly move. He would keep a pillow case full of oranges or bars of soap to hit me with. Didn’t show bruises as badly, but you police officers and medical guys know what damage it can do. He was gone for a few days when I found out I was pregnant. I was excited, a baby. I thought maybe he would change back into the man I first met, but when I told him, he threw me down the steps. Once I hit the bottom, he came running up to me and started hitting and kicking me. My bodyguard, Brennon, is the one that got me to the hospital as soon as Michael left. We were supposed to go to John’s party that night. Brennon got me to the hospital, called my uncle to cash out my checking account and get to me as fast as he could, then he helped me leave. He gave me some of his money too. He told me to get as far away from them as I could. So, I ran, and I made it here.”

  Tears are streaming down my face. I can’t help it. I want to kill this son of a bitch for everything that he has done to my friend. Bexley is crying also, and I see her looking at me. She is trying her best not to look at Tires, and that is breaking my heart. I know how much she likes my brother, and I know that he has feelings for her. But he won’t follow through on them, thinking that Bex is just pushing her feelings on him, hero worshipping. He can be an idiot sometimes. I smile at her, “Dad, may I go with Bexley? Cotton can catch me up on what y’all decide to do. I need to get to the restroom also.”

  “Yeah, baby girl, you can go.” I give Cotton’s hand a squeeze and Bexley runs over to me. I put my arm around her and lead her down to my room. I go into the bathroom and I am violently sick. I think the twins are as upset as I am. Bexley runs in and gets me a wet rag then helps me up.

  “Saige, you need to talk to the doctor again, I think. You keep getting really sick. It worries me.” I smile at her, well, more like a grimace.

  “I go back in a few days. I’m going to let them know. I think Cotton called and set up the appointment. Are you going to go into the bakery with me later? I need to get some things made up for tomorrow. I so appreciate you pretty much taking over the place for me right now. I can get in and make the special orders, and then help with some of the other stuff. It just makes it easier to be part time right now, but it pisses me off at the same time. I feel like I’m not doing what I should be doing.”

  Bexley gasps, “Saige, if you weren’t pregnant, I would hit you. You’re not doing this to just laze about. You’re doing what you have to, to take care of those babies! Now, I’ve hired Beth to help out, and I think Alivia is keeping Bethany for her while she is at work. You know she wants to open up her own daycare? She is a natural with kids. The bakery is staying steadily busy, and everyone is excited for you. And to answer your question, yeah, I’m going in with you. I need to get away from here, at least for a little bit.”

  I hug her. “Cooper’ll get his head out of his ass soon enough.” We both giggle at that image, and then we get ready. I have to change into some more comfortable clothes, which is maternity shorts and a tank, and I go wait out in the common area. I know Cotton will want to talk to us, and I have to wait on Bacon, Loki too, most likely. Bexley makes it out before the guys, and she goes to get us some juice.

  Alivia comes over with Bethany. “Sai! Sai! I is pwaying with Awivia. Her is wots of fun!” she says as she throws her little arms around my stomach, kissing it. “Hewwo babies!”

  I want to cry at how sweet this little girl is being. I love her so much. Beth asked me the other day to sign papers that if anything were to happen to her, that I get custody of Bethany, and she even made me promise that we would adopt her. It made me nervous and I’ve worried about Beth ever since, but I promised and did everything she asked. All this happened after she started dating a new guy, that none of us have met. He picks her up from the bakery, and he usually parks down the street. I have caught one glimpse of him, and that was it. I couldn’t pick him from a line up if I had to. “Aww, thank you, sweetie. I’m so glad that you’re having fun with Alivia. She is a really good friend of mine. I just hope that you’re good for her all the time.”

  Bethany is nodding her head vigorously. “I is awways good, Sai.” She giggles, and Alivia has her hand over her mouth to keep Bethany from seeing that she is laughing. “Can I go ober and pways in the pit?” Alivia and I both tell her yes. We have a little playpen that is a ball pit. The smaller kids love it.

  “Hey Alivia, do you think you would want to babysit the twins for me when I have them and I’m able to go back to work? I want them to be with someone I trust, and I love how you are with Bethany.”

  She smiles, “Are you sure, Saige? I thought you would have Stella keep them. I would love to, you know that.”

  I smile at her, “Liv, as much I love my aunt, I would rather you keep them. I’ve a feeling that they will be in great hands with you, and Stella has been acting a little off lately. I’m trying to find out what is up with her. I know she has been busier here lately, what with a few guys being sick, and trying to help Doc. I know she’ll come in and help you with them.” Bexley comes back with a glass of juice for each of us, and a sippy cup for Bethany. Bethany, seeing the sippy cup comes running over to us. She crawls up in my lap and I hug her close. We’re sitting at the table laughing and talking for quite a bit when we hear the footsteps of a bunch of big footed men, wearing boots.

  Loki gets to us first, “Hey girls. How is my best friend, and this sweet little girl? Liv, how are you?” I watch the byplay between Loki and Liv as she blushes.

  “Hey, Loki. I’m good. Saige, I know you need to talk to them. I’ll take Bethany and let her play a little more before her nap.” Bethany hugs me one more time, hugs Loki and follows Liv.

  “What was that about, Loki? I have never seen Alivia blush like that before.”

  Loki actually blushes a little, “Oh um, she walked in on me and Sloane having a fight last night. She didn’t know how to take it. I think she thought I might go off on her, especially after Sloane verbally attacked her. Anyways, Cotton is going with our dads to talk to Commander Thomas, so you have me and Bacon.”

  “Okay. I reckon we should go while I feel like I can.” They laugh and walk Bexley and I out to my truck. I sit up front with Loki. Bacon gets Bexley to talking about some banking stuff with him. I’m glad she is helping him out with that.

  I look over at Loki, “Okay bestie. What’s going on?”

  He sighs. “Saige, I honestly don’t know. Sloane has pulled back from me a lot, and then I hear her and Mom in a heated argument, but I couldn’t make out all they were saying. Mom refuses to talk to Sloane now. I asked her to marry me, but she is pissed about the ring for some reason, and I don’t get that. I got her a ring that I feel suits her, but she says
that if I really loved her, I would have used my grandma’s ring. I told her that I do love her, and I thought that she would rather have a ring that was all hers. Man, she went off, that’s what Alivia walked in on because we were in the kitchen. Sloane went off on Alivia for walking in, accusing her of wanting me and trying to get in between us. Saying shit like she knew we were screwing. Then she stormed off. I’ve no clue where she went, she didn’t come into my room last night. Saige, I don’t get it. I know she isn’t using drugs that I know of, and she wasn’t drunk. But I also know it can’t be about a damn ring. She is hiding something from me.”

  “Oh, Loki, I’m sorry. At least this explains why Stella has been acting weird lately. You know that she won’t give you Grandma’s ring for Sloane. She feels that you two aren’t meant for each other. And for Sloane to go after her like that about a ring? That’s crazy. Doesn’t sound like Sloane, but honestly, it seems like everyone is going crazy right now.”

  He nods his head, “Yeah, I had asked Mom what she thought about me proposing to Sloane, and her words were ‘I don’t’.” We both laugh at that. It’s just like Stella to be blunt and say what she feels, whether we like it or not. We pull into the bakery and I get to work on a special-order cake while Bexley takes inventory and starts on cookies and turnovers. I’ll be making cupcakes and muffins shortly, and then we both will kick out some pies and cakes. Loki stays in the back with me. Beth comes back to let us know if Sloane needs something or if she needs me to come out front. At one point I finally walk out front to find Sloane. She’s standing by the cappuccino maker.

  “Sloane, look at me. What’s going on? You know you and Loki need to talk about this.”