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Saige Page 6
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Page 6
“Saige, we’ll get out of here, somehow, together. Can you untie the knots behind me?” I look at Bexley and grin. She turns away from me and I get to work trying to undo the knot in the rope that had her arms tied behind her. She keeps listening to see if she hears anyone coming near the door. There’s a knock at the door, so we hurry and turn towards it, right as it opens. This is the first time someone has knocked. The blonde woman from the diner walks in, carrying food. “Saige, you look so much like your father. You’ve grown to be such a beautiful woman,” she says.
“Who are you?” I ask, as she unties us both. I notice the gun in the back of her jeans, so I don’t try anything yet.
She smiles and whispers, “I’m Tonya, your mother. Rancor doesn’t know, no one here does. I left you with Stone, I had to get away before anyone found out about you. You see, I wasn’t one of those women that was being abused that your dad and his club saved. I used them as a way out. I pretended to be scared and clung to your dad. I really fell for him, I knew I was safe there with him. That is until I saw Rancor one day. He didn’t see me, and I thank God for that. I was about ready to have you. I always told him I couldn’t have kids. I made up my mind then and there, that I had to leave to keep you safe. I never wanted to leave you, but I knew your dad could do it on his own. He was a wonderful father to Cooper already. So, I told the doctor and nurse when I went into labor that I was a surrogate for him. I left not long after you were born. I left town, went to a doctor who did a hysterectomy for me for the right amount of money, when I was healed up from that, I was going to leave, go west. But Rancor found me. I’ve been stuck ever since. I did what I felt I had to do to keep you safe.” I am staring at this woman, and I can see a slight resemblance.
“So, what was that at the diner, talking to me? Were you helping them to get me? And how did you know who I was?”
She gasps, “NO! I would never have helped them to get you. I saw you, I just had to hear your voice, see if that little girl was my granddaughter. My cousin is a member of the MC and has sent me pictures of you throughout the years. Your dad doesn’t know that Grange is related to me. I’m going to do my best to get you girls out of here. I found your phone in your clothes, and I called Stone. I told him where we were, that I was going to help. You’re my daughter, I’ll not see you sold or hurt by that bastard.” Bexley looks at her, then at me.
Bexley gives me an encouraging smile, “I know this is a lot Saige, but I believe her. I see it in her eyes.”
“Okay, Tonya, we’ll take all the help we can get.”
She smiles, her eyes teary. “How is your dad doing? Has he moved on?”
“Umm. Yeah. He’s good. He is dating a wonderful lady that Cooper and I both adore. Cooper is great too. Owns his own garage, makes custom bikes and repairs.”
Tonya grins. “He was always tinkering with things when he was little, and man could that boy draw. What about you? Do you have a special someone?”
I look at her. I’m still having trouble trusting her completely. “No. There is a guy that I like, but it isn’t leading anywhere. And you saw the bakery.” She looks at me. “Yeah, I saw you there, then you took off without coming in. You saw Dad, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I couldn’t let him see me. If Rancor saw or knew…. anyways, I’m going to go get you both some clothes, and try to get ahold of Stone again. Act the part they expect. I’ll have you both out of here soon.” She ties us up loosely, hands in front of us, after we eat, and with that she leaves the room.
“Bexley, I don’t know if my head can handle much more today. I meet my mother, and to know that someone that I grew up with and cared about did this to me….” A tear slips from my eye.
She hugs up against me close. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll help you out any way I can. I don’t have many friends; I hope we are for a long time after we get out of here.”
“Are you kidding? You and I are bffs always.” We both laugh. “Bex, I want you to come stay at the clubhouse with us when we get out. I want to know that you are safe.”
She nods. “I would like that. Maybe I can switch jobs to be closer too. Hey, are there any hot guys there?”
I laugh. “Hell yeah! I have a thing for Cotton. He has snow white hair, and the grayest eyes you have ever seen. I think my brother would try to go for you. And as for a job, I need someone to do my books for me at the bakery. You can even help baking or out front too, if you want to. I can teach you all the tricks.”
“That’s settled then. Let’s hope Tonya gets back to us to fast.”
I nod in agreement. This has been two long weeks from hell.
I look down at my ringing phone to see Saige’s number. I pull Tires, Cotton, Cruz, and Tech into the room with me, and put it on speaker. “Saige, baby girl, is that you?”
“No, Stone. But I can help you get her and that other girl out, but it has to be soon.”
My eyes go wide as I look at Cruz. “Tonya?”
Sighing she says, “Yes, it’s me. Rancor has our girl. He doesn’t know that she is my daughter, and in order to keep us all alive, it must stay that way. I need you to listen to me. They’re being held at the old Boston warehouse. He’s started the auction already, and the bidding is going crazy. I’m going to try to sneak them in some clothes and have them ready to get out of there. You have to go through the back. It’s not protected. The front is where the whole gang is. Hurry!” The phone goes dead.
Tech grins, “I got it, Pres. They’re at the old Boston warehouse like she said. I also have hacked into the camera on Saige’s phone. We can see and hear everything that the camera does.”
“Okay, we need to get ready. Everyone get your shit together, meet in the common room in five minutes. We’re going to go get my girl back.” I look at Cruz as the others head out to grab their gear. “What the hell, man? Tonya?! I don’t know if we can trust her. You know what she did to me and the kids. Cooper adored her. And now suddenly, she says our girl? What the hell is going on? Saige has been missing for two weeks, she waits until the last minute to call?”
Cruz puts a hand on my shoulder, saying, “Calm down a little, Stone. Tech is keeping watch on the phone camera, and the site he found the girls on. It may be that she couldn’t find a way to get to the girls, or get a call out until now, but I also find it a little weird that she is involved.”
I look at Cruz, run my fingers through my hair, and sigh. “I just want to get my girl back and know that she is safe. I can’t let anything happen to her.”
Cruz pats my shoulder. “We’ll get her. Let’s go.”
I must’ve nodded off a little after I ate the food Tonya had brought us and loosely tied us back up, so as not to raise suspicion. I startle as the door bangs open against the wall. Pyro walks in followed by Poppy of all people. I don’t know what the hell is going on, have all my friends gone crazy? Pyro pushes Poppy towards me. “Untie her, Poppy. Then you can go back out there and suck some dick with your sister.” She grins at him as she comes over to untie me.
“Hey, bitch. You are going to love what Pyro is going to do. He has the biggest dick I have ever seen and had.” She pushes me a little, and gets the rope undone.
I punch her as soon as my hands are free. She falls back, clutching her mouth and nose. “Go suck some dick with a few less teeth and a broken nose, bitch!”
Pyro pulls her to her feet and pushes her out the door, shutting it. “That was really funny, Saige. Now come here!”
“No.” That one little word makes him so mad, and he has that look in his eyes again. I look around for something that I can use as a weapon. I know I can’t take him on without one. I might make him hurt, but I can’t knock him out on my own.
Bexley is looking around too, but before she can do anything, Pyro handcuffs her to the pole in the middle of the room. “Can’t have you trying to interfere with my plans, now can I, Red?”
p; Now he faces me again and walks towards me. I try to stand my ground and show him no emotions whatsoever, but Pyro knows me. He grew up with me. Oh my God, why is he doing this? I trusted him with my life at one time. Now I feel so confused and totally petrified with fear. He grabs my arm, jerking me into his body. “You and I, we’re going to have some fun before Rancor closes the bidding. We’ve got two hours, I want to take as long as possible with you. I even have the winning bid on you so far.” He sneers. He pushes me down on the filthy mattress, and he takes his shirt off before getting on top of me. I start hitting and fighting as much as I can, I even scratch his face pretty hard. Before I even see it coming, he punches me, and everything goes black.
I start screaming at Pyro to get off Saige, to come and take me instead, but he just laughs, “Don’t worry, Red, you’re next.” He jerks Saige’s bra off and licks her, then I see him bite her hard enough to make her bleed. I start yelling again. I am going to do whatever I can to try to keep him from raping my friend.
“Hey! Someone come help us! Help! He’s trying to rape her!!!! Someone Help!”
He gets up off of Saige and walks over, getting in my face. “Bitch, if you don’t stop yelling, I will knock you out! I thought you would like to watch, but I’m guessing not.” He punches me hard in the side. I fall to the floor, gasping. I see him undo his pants and walk back towards Saige, and I try to yell again, but he turns and kicks me in the temple before I can make a sound.
I slowly start to come to, when I hear Bexley yelling. Oh my God! Is he trying to rape her? I look around, only to see Bexley is now knocked out and Pyro is leaning over me, stroking his dick. He has me completely naked now, and I can’t move my arms. He has me handcuffed around a pipe that is attached to the wall by the mattress. “Ah, Saige, I see you’re finally awake. Are you ready to be mine? Because, I’m going to have you either way. You’ll be mine!” he says as he pushes my legs apart and tries to stick his fingers in me. I start twisting and kicking, trying to fight him off.
“Get off of me! Leave me alone! I never was, nor will I ever be yours!” He’s still trying to get my legs spread, and he punches me in the left side. I actually hear and feel my ribs crack. I stop moving for a second, because of the pain and I can’t breathe. He bites my thigh hard enough to draw blood, and I start kicking and screaming again. He sticks his fingers in me, and leans down to lick me, but he stops, just pumping his fingers in me. I am screaming again, tears running down my face. He has bitten me in several places and drawn blood at each. He leans back on his knees, and the son of a bitch is smiling the evilest smile I have ever seen.
He starts to palm his dick again. “Are you ready for me, Saige? I could feel the thin web of your virginity, and I’m so ready to take it.”
I take the chance and pull my right leg up and kick him in the dick, screaming at him, calling him everything in the book. He falls over to the side, holding himself, red faced, cussing me. I’m still screaming at him when the door busts open. I look over to see Cotton lifting his gun, and I pass out from the pain.
We are following the plan that Stone made, and I’m slowly making my way down a hallway with Tires and Loki at my back. We watch as Stone, Cruz, Lynch, Rubble, and a few others make their way down the back side of the building to go take on the guys we saw going into the front. There were ten that we had counted, and Rancor had Tonya in a death grip yelling at her. I bet he found out that she was trying to help. We start back down the hall slowly until we hear screaming, and I realize it’s Saige. We take off running towards the sound, finding the door that her screams are coming from behind. I try to turn the knob, but it is locked.
I look at Tires, saying, “It’s locked.” He stands beside me and we both kick the door, busting it open. I get in first only to see Pyro holding his dick on the ground cussing, Saige on a mattress naked, bleeding, and bruised. The red-haired girl is on the ground handcuffed to a pole, not moving. Pyro looks up and smiles at me. I pull my gun and as I reach for the trigger, Tires fires his Glock. Pyro falls back with a bullet hole between his eyes, still smiling.
I look at Tires, saying, “Search his clothes for the keys to those cuffs.”
Loki and I go over to Saige, blocking her body from anyone seeing her. Tires grabs Pyro’s pants, then throws me a set of keys. I get the cuffs undone, slowly lowering Saige’s arms. I see her side is bruised really bad. Damn, that asshole broke one or more of her ribs. Her beautiful face is covered in bruises. Then I notice her breasts. That son of a bitchin’ whore! He bit her so hard that it drew blood. I wish he was still alive so that I could kill him again.
I take my shirt off and I have Loki help me get it on her. Once she is covered, I look over to see Tires putting his shirt on the other girl. I pull out my phone and ring Stone. He said no matter what was going on, call him when we found her. I also call Doc to get him to the room.
“Where is she?!” We hear Stone yelling as he comes down the hall.
“Dad, in here!” Tires yells. Stone comes running in the room followed by Doc and Cruz.
“Oh, my baby girl! What’ve they done to you?!” Stone comes over to the mattress Saige is on, and I reluctantly move over so that he can be by her.
Doc starts checking her out. I watch him and say, “Doc, she has some bite marks on her, and there was some blood on the inside of her legs. Also, I think he broke a couple of her ribs.”
Stone gets up, goes over to Pyro’s body, and starts kicking it. “Wake up, so I can kill you myself you little bastard!” We all watch as Stone lets some of his rage out. Finally, he starts to slow down.
Cruz puts his hand on his shoulder. “Our girl is going to need you thinking straight, brother. Come on, let’s get these girls out of here and to the hospital. They both need to be checked out.”
Sighing, Stone turns towards us. “Doc, can they be moved safely, or do we need to call Commander Thomas, have him bring ambulances for the girls?”
Doc looks over the other girl and comes back to Saige. “I hate to say this Pres, but they both have a couple of broken ribs and possibly concussions. It would be best for them to go in the ambulance. Wolfe and Hawke are on shift today. I’ll make sure that they are the ones to take them. That way this stays in the club. I’ll call them now.”
I look at Stone, “Pres, we’ll still need to call Commander Thomas. He needs to know we found them.”
He looks around the room, “Yeah, I’ll call him. Let him know, let him know that Rancor and a few others got away. Tech found the computer, it showed that the auction was over and that both of them had been sold. So, we’ll have to find out to who, and keep them safe.”
Tires looks at his dad and states, “I’m the one that shot Pyro. I told him if he ever touched her again, I’d kill him. I’m going to ride with Saige in the ambulance.” Stone nods. Loki is still holding Saige’s hand, and he is just staring at her face. I know that he feels like it is his fault that she got taken. And in my mind, I blamed him too. But now that we have her back, I have to focus on her and let it go. It’s what she would want.
Wolfe and Hawke get the girls in the ambulance, with Tires riding with them. Stone wanted Loki and I to follow and stay with them. Doc is already waiting for us at the hospital. Cruz and the others stayed with Stone to talk to Commander Thomas. They’ll be coming to the hospital shortly. I just pray that what these two went through, that they come out of it okay.
I’m awake, but I don’t open my eyes. I try to fight through the pain I am feeling. I smell antiseptic and hear some beeping noises, so I open my eyes to see that I’m in a hospital room. I take in my surroundings and see that there is an Adonis with beautiful green eyes staring at me. “Hey, welcome back to the land of the living. What’s your name?”
“Bex…Bexley. Can I have some water? Who are you?” He ge
ts up, puts a straw in a cup, bringing the straw to my lips.
“Slowly. Take sips.” I stare at him the whole time. I’m a little wary of him. “I’m Tires,” he says.
My eyes widen. “Saige’s brother? Where, how is she? How long have we been here? I tried to help her, but I was handcuffed and then he hit me, knocking me out.” Tears are streaming down my face. I can’t stop them as I think about what was happening to my friend, and I couldn’t do anything to help her.
Tires sets the cup down, then looks down at me, “Hey now, calm down. She’s gonna be okay. She wasn’t raped. She was able to fight back a little, and we found you both in time. She has some bruises, has a couple cracked ribs, and a mild concussion. Speaking of, you’re in the same boat. The doctor wrapped your ribs, put you on a strong antibiotic. They just want to make sure infection doesn’t set up in the cuts and scrapes you have. You’ve been here for a few days. You’ve been in and out of it, mostly out.”