Saige Read online

Page 10

  “Sure, Saige.” I hand him my phone and us girls stand together. We do a serious, I love my girls pic, then a silly one. Bacon hands me my phone back, and we look at them.

  “Thanks, Bacon.” He nods as we head off to shop.

  By the time we get out to my truck, I think Bex and Sloane have maxed out their credit cards. I couldn’t help but laugh at the big bad biker guys carrying Victoria Secret and Bath and Body works bags. Bacon didn’t seem to mind, nor did Bear. But the others that were with us, they refused to go into those stores and watched from the door. I had gotten a few things, I didn’t go overboard like those two. I unlock the truck and we get the bags in. It’s then that I get a creepy feeling like someone is watching us. “Hey, Bacon, can you look around and see if you notice anything odd without being obvious?”

  He looks down into my eyes, “Yeah, sure. You okay, Saige?”

  He goes to put his arm on my elbow and helps me into my truck. I whisper to him, “I feel like someone is watching. It’s a creepy feeling.” He nods and laughs like I made a joke, as he shuts my door, then he walks around to get in the passenger side. He looks around while he does this and sends a text to the others.

  Getting in and shutting his door, he states, “I know what you mean now. Felt like I was in the crosshairs out there. We need to get back to the clubhouse, okay?”

  “Yeah, did you notice anyone?” I ask, starting the truck.

  He nods, “We noticed a few, and we need to go.” I pull out of the spot, get behind Crow, as the others surround my truck, and we make it back home in no time. Bacon has watched the mirrors the whole time, and the guys on their bikes stay in tight formation around us. When we pull in to the club, Bacon has me pull up to the door. “Saige, I want you three to go straight inside. We’ll get your bags once we know y’all are safe.” Sloane and Bex nod as they both slide out the same door. Bacon has me slide over the center console to get out of the passenger side door. I get out and start for the clubhouse door. I’m almost inside when I hear the first gunshot, and find myself being pushed to the ground, Bacon on top of me. Then all hell breaks loose.



  “Tires! You want to come take a look at this?” He comes in the back and inspects the bike I just finished. It’s an old nineteen forties FL Harley. We had to rewire it and did a new paint scheme on it trying to stick to the original as much as we could. She’s a beaut!

  Tires whistles, “Looks great, man! Old man Jensen won’t be here until tomorrow. I’ve all the parts ordered that we need, and the paints. We’ve nothing else to do today. Whatta’ ya say we go get us a beer while we wait on the girls to get back. We can grab Loki, order some pizzas. Maybe watch a movie.”

  “Yeah, sounds good.” We close the shop and head back to the clubhouse. We pull in and head inside, finding Loki at the bar.

  “Hey, man, how’s it hanging? We’re going to order some pizzas, hang out with the girls in the movie room or game room. You in?”

  He grins, “Yeah, just let me get another beer. You guys want one?” We both nod. We all go into the common area. Sitting at the table, we’re just talking shit when I get a text. Looking at my phone, it’s Bacon.

  Coming in hot, someone following us. Pulling up to door.

  “Tires, Loki, we got trouble. We need to get to the door.” Bacon says that they’re being followed and coming in hot. “Cruz! We’ve trouble coming. Need to get out front to get the girls.” Cruz and Stone come running, along with Grange. We all get to the door as Saige is pulling up to it. Sloane and Bexley jump out of the back from the same side and run to us. Tires ushers them inside while the rest of us remain alert, unsure where the danger is coming from. As Bacon gets out of the same door as Saige and starts ushering her in, a shot rings out. Bacon pushes Saige to the ground and covers her with his body.

  Stone and Cruz run over to the front of the truck and start looking for the target. The guys that had been with the girls today start going for cover as more shots are fired. We can’t really tell where they are coming from until we hear and feel a huge explosion. Looking towards the gate, there’s a car just inside of it. The sound of a couple of bikes starting and taking off can be heard. They were in the tree line near the gate in order for us not to see them. I run to Bacon and Saige, afraid of what I might find. My heart is in my throat. “Saige! Bacon! Are you two alright?” He’s getting up, helping her to sit up.

  Bacon grimaces, “Yeah, we’re good. I’m sorry, Cotton. I should’ve noticed the tail sooner. Saige and I both could feel eyes on us at the mall when we were leaving but couldn’t see anyone. Saige, are you okay?”

  She looks up at us and nods her head. “Yes. Oh my God! Bacon, you’re bleeding!” Saige gets up and goes to look at his arm. I’m looking too. It’s a complete through and through which is good.

  “Stone, we need to get Doc, Wolfe, or Hawke to look at Bacon’s arm and stitch it up. Anyone else hurt?”

  Stone looks over at Bacon’s arm, “Not that we can see. Cruz, Grange, and a couple of prospects are going over to get the car fire put out. See if anyone is still around. I already called Commander Thomas, they are on the way over. I need y’all to get Saige inside. Please. Baby girl, I will be inside in a minute.”

  Once inside, I pull Saige to me and hug her tight. I didn’t realize how hard I was squeezing her until she pushes against my chest. I look down into her eyes and kiss her with everything I feel for her behind it.

  “Wow! Finn, I’m okay. Thanks to Bacon.” I look into her eyes and nod. She lays her head on my chest for a second before pulling back, and says, “I think that man has earned his patch, finally.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll talk to Stone, but I think everyone can agree with that. I need to kiss you again.’’ I take her mouth with mine, and she opens for me right away, our tongues dancing. I kiss her hard. We only pull apart to breathe.

  “Mmmhmm. Can I hug my daughter? Then we need to get into church. Now.” Stone hugs Saige as he yells out for everyone to get to the table now. Saige grabs my hand and we follow Stone. Once inside at the table with her seated beside me, I finally start to calm some. What the hell would I have done if anything happened to my girl? Seats fill up fast as everyone hurries inside the room. Tech is coming in and going straight to the tv to hook up his laptop so we can all see what he found.

  Stone hits the gavel to the table. “Y’all heard what happened outside. Now, we’re going to find out who and why. Then we’re going to get this taken care of once and for all. Grange and Cruz are taking care of a couple of folks with Doc, Wolfe, and Hawke. I’ll catch them up in a bit. Tech, could you see anything on the surveillance, who they were, where they went?”

  Tech pulls up the feed and we all watch the tv. The guy that was aiming for Saige was someone we all knew, and the car that he is shooting from is the one that they blew up. He runs over to a bike and jumps on. Dayna is right behind him. He was a little punk that had prospected for us and was turned away, he couldn’t follow the rules, was crude to all the girls and women. His name was Matt something. He’s the one that left Saige at the bakery the night she was taken. He also screwed around with Dayna a lot. I’m so pissed at seeing Dayna on the back of that bike, knowing that she caused this.

  “Stone, I want them both put to ground!” Loki and Tires agree by pounding the table.

  “Boys, y’all know we don’t hurt women. The other pissants I’ve no problem with that.”

  Saige straightens up beside me. “You may not hurt women, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t hurt her. I agree that she needs to be put to ground. What if they try something else, and someone gets killed because of her and her obsession with Cotton? I want her, and I’ll take care of her.”


  “No! I’ll do it, and not think anything about it later. I had to do it before, remember? When we had to go undercover, and I worked that strip club with Lynch. I shot that girl that was aiming a gun at his head ready to kill him. I
’ll be fine.” Stone sighs then finally nods his okay. I grab her hand and give it a squeeze. We may be the good guys, try to stay within the law, but when someone messes with us like this, we take care of it however we see fit.

  Stone sighs, “Okay, let’s get a few folks out and helping Thomas find these two. If he finds them, he’s bringing them here. Anything else?”

  Saige looks at her dad then the guys at the table, “Yes, I think it’s high time that Bacon got his patch. He has proven himself many times, and he went and took a bullet meant for me, he protected me.”

  Stone smiles at her, then looks to us all. “Does anyone second this?”

  I second it along with Tires at the same time. “Everyone in agreement?” Fists pound the table all the way around. “It’s done. Saige, you get to give him his patch. But mess with him a little first.”



  “Hey, Butterfly, we ordered pizza and we’re going to have a night in with you girls. Want to go in the movie room?”

  I lean into Cotton, “Yes, that sounds good. Let’s go give Bacon his patch, then we can get them and go.” He leans down, kisses me really quick before we go look for Bacon. We find him sitting in the bar with Doc, Wolfe, Hawke, Bear, Grange, and the other prospect that had helped. “Bacon, we need to talk.” He puts his beer down and looks up at me from his seat. “I have some news for you, and I was told I had to be the one to tell you, since you are my guard. Um, I’m not sure how you are going to take this. But… um….”

  Bacon has fear in his eyes, as he interrupts me. “Saige, I’m sorry, I know I should’ve seen the tail sooner. Is there any way I can get another chance? I mean…” I throw my hand up and stop him mid-sentence. Cotton glares at him for more of an effect to make him think something is about to happen that he won’t like. Tires and Loki are beside me, arms crossed and glaring as well.

  “No, Bacon, I’m afraid once you get this, you can’t get any more chances to prospect.” We all finally break out in smiles and laughter as I hand him his new patches. “Welcome to the family, Bacon.”

  He gets up and hugs me, relief flooding his face. I guess Cotton thought he was hugging me too long because the man growled and pulled me back into his chest. “I can’t thank you all enough. Damn, I thought I was being thrown out for sure. I won’t let you all down, I promise.”

  “You took a bullet that was meant for my girl here. I think we all know that you’ve more than proven yourself.” Everyone comes and congratulates Bacon. Man hugs, chin lifts, and hugs from the girls.

  They both come over to me. We all three hug in a huddle. “I’m so glad you two are okay. Cotton said that they ordered pizzas and stuff and wanted to have a movie night. Y’all in?” Sloane and Bex both say that they are. “I need to go change right quick. I’ll meet you in the movie room in a few.”

  “Do you want a beer or anything, Saige?”

  “No, not tonight. Thanks though.”

  I unlock my room and the first thing I do is go to my medicine cabinet. I take a pill to hopefully ward off the migraine I can feel coming on from what happened. I take all my clothes off, putting my dress and bra in a pan with cold water. I hope that when I can get it in the wash, that the blood and dirt come out. Bacon bled a lot on me. I get a hair bow and throw my hair up into a messy bun then get in the shower. I wash off the dried blood and dirt that’s on me. I’m about to get out when the door opens and Finn steps in behind me, pulling me to him. He leans down kissing my neck, hugging me close. I can feel his hard on, and I am immediately wet. I lean my head to the side as he sucks on my neck, leaving his mark. His hands come up and grab my breasts, his finger and thumb pulling and pinching my pebbled nipples. I moan out his name. “Saige, I can’t be too gentle right now. It needs to be hard and fast. Are you okay with that? If not tell me now.”

  “I need you, Finn, any way you want me, you have me.”

  He groans. “Turn around, baby. Hands on the wall and bend a little for me.” I do as he says, as he rubs his hands down my back, gripping my ass. I feel him press up against me, and he rubs his bulbous head against me. “You’re dripping wet, baby. Do you want me to take you hard?”

  “Yes, Finn, please.” I moan out as he lines up with my hole, and slams into me hard, balls deep. He pulls almost all the way out and does it again. I’m already so close to my release. He’s slamming into me over and over.

  “Play with your clit, Saige. Use your hand like I do, baby.” I move one hand from the wall to do what he says. I take my finger and run it over my clit, using the rest of my hand to rub him as he goes in and out. A few more thrusts and I am coming so hard, I see stars. He lets loose and moans my name as he kisses then bites my shoulder. “Damn, baby, are you okay? I think I about passed out.” He pulls out of me, turns me and pulls me in his arms.

  “I’m great.” I smile at him and kiss him.

  “The water is getting cool. Let’s clean up and go meet the others for a bit. We’ll cut out early if you want to. And by the way, I like the purple.” I smile at him.

  We get to the movie room to see that the others have been waiting on us. I blush at the looks Sloane and Bex are throwing at me. Cotton has his arm around my waist. He kisses me on top of the head, and we sit on the couch. Loki brings me a plate and I thank him. “I need to talk to you later about something. It can be tomorrow. Just the two of us.”

  “Okay, Loki. Thank you for getting my plate.” Tires gives Cotton a whole box of pizza and our salads.

  “What movie do you all want to watch? We have Jigsaw, IT, and on the pay per view is the Annabelle: Creation,” Sloane asks. We all decide on the Annabelle movie, and Tires orders it. We are almost ready to cut the lights out when Aunt Stella walks in the room with three huge bowls of movie theater popcorn.

  “Oh my gosh! Thank you, Aunt Stella. I can’t believe none of us thought about popcorn. Usually I’m the one that gets it.”

  “It’s okay, baby girl, y’all had a lot happen today, and I reckon your mind is on other things.” She looks towards Cotton. I know I’m blushing again. She just smiles, and says, “Alivia is bringing in a small cooler with beers and sodas for y’all. Have a good night.” We all thank her and then Alivia when she comes in. “Do you want to join us, Alivia?” She smiles at me.

  “I appreciate it, Saige, but I have to get back to the bar. Maybe next time?”


  The movie is starting, and Cotton throws his arm around me. I snuggle into him and laugh a lot when the others jump during the movie. This is how it always goes. Sloane loves scary movies as much as I do, but she jumps throughout the whole thing while watching them. I always laugh. I can’t help it. As soon as the movie is over, I help the girls clean up, and then hug them all goodnight. Loki holds me to him a little tight.

  “Goodnight, BFF. I love you.”

  “I love you too, BFF. I hope you sleep good.” Cotton waits for me at the door and we go back to my room. He already has a couple of changes of clothes in here. I go to change into a tank and panties to sleep in, when he grabs my hand.

  “Baby, I would just end up taking them off you. Just come on to bed when you are ready.” I kiss him quick and go to the bathroom to do what I need to do. When I go out to the bed and lay down, he pulls me to him, I snuggle up to him, laying my head on his chest

  “Butterfly, we need to talk. We’ve made love three times now, and um, I didn’t wear a condom. I’m clean, you don’t have to worry about that. It’s just, what if we made a baby?”

  My hand goes straight to my stomach, and I look up at him. “Finn. I’m not on the pill because of my migraines, and you know I’m clean. I…I would love to have your baby. I’m okay with it if you are.”

  He smiles at me, “Okay, we’ll just let nature take its course.” He kisses me deeply. “Get some rest, baby, you had a really rough day. I’ll be right here if you have a nightmare or migraine. Goodnight, Butterfly.”

  “Goodnight, Finn. I love you.” I
whisper, but I know he heard me. His arms tighten around me as I relax into him, falling asleep.



  I can’t believe she just whispered that she loved me. I bet she thought I wouldn’t hear her. I didn’t say it back, but I do love her. Have for a long time. I hold her close to me as I think of all the things that we need to get done as a club. We still haven’t found the guys that bid on Saige and Bexley. We still haven’t found Rancor and the guys that got away with him, nor have we found Tonya. For Saige’s sake, I hope that Tonya is okay. Stone said that Rancor had a hold of her arm, so we know he took her with him. And now we need to find Dayna and Matt. This is getting out of hand; I want it all over with. I guess we need to get with Tech in the morning to see if he has found any hints of them. I also want to tell Saige about my past, but I’m so afraid that she will leave me, never to talk to me again. I know that she’ll hate me, and I won’t blame her one bit. It’s with that thought that I fall into a restless sleep.

  “Finn! Wake up, Finn!” I come to, squeezing Saige so hard she can barely breathe. I’m panting trying to catch my breath. I loosen up my grip on her. “Are you okay? Finn, you were screaming for Donovan in your sleep.” I run my hand through my hair.