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Saige Page 7

  “Thank you. How long will I have to stay here? I know Saige said she wanted me to come to the clubhouse with her. I would really like to see her.”

  He smiles at me. “My aunt already has a room ready for you at the clubhouse. Saige demanded it when she woke up. You both should be getting out of here today. I’ll go check with the doc and see if we can get you both out of here soon. Also, they have a therapist coming in to talk to you both.” He winks at me as he walks out the door. Oh, dear Lord, that man is going to turn my world upside down. I can feel it. My heart is already skipping beats just from looking at him.



  I’ve been home a couple of weeks. I wake up screaming at night from nightmares, some nights, several times. Loki is usually right there and calms me down. He really hasn’t left my side. I barely make it to the bathroom alone. I know he feels like it’s his fault, that he’s trying to make it up to me. I’ve tried talking to him, letting him know that I don’t blame him. I blame myself, as I should. I let the prospect leave when he wasn’t supposed to, then I let Loki and Sloane leave out before I was ready. I was afraid everyone would crowd me in, but mostly everyone has been great, just letting me be.

  Lynch came to me the other day and begged for me to forgive him for not taking care of Pyro before all of this happened. I remember telling him there was nothing to forgive him for. He had no control over what Pyro did. We had a funeral for Tonks, it was a beautiful send off. After the funeral, Dad had pulled me and Bexley into his office. He said that we would have to have at least two to three patches with us if we walk out of the clubhouse doors, that Rancor and a few others got away. I asked about Poppy and Lilly, he said that they were dead, that he was sorry about my friends. I told him about Poppy and said they were no friends of mine. I was glad they were gone. Then I asked about Tonya, only to find out she is missing. I reckon Rancor took her. He also said that Tech is still trying to hunt down who it was that bid on us.

  Bexley has taken to a few of the folks in the club, which makes me happy. She is such a great person. She and I are going to the bakery later today to go over a few things. I can’t wait to get my hands back to making cakes and creating new things. Sloane has done such a wonderful job of keeping things going for me. Our customers that had the special orders? They’re awesome. They said that they would wait for me to be home and safe, not to worry about their orders. So, I’m going to make a few cakes today to be delivered to them all. My bruises have faded some, I refuse to cover them with makeup. I dress in a club tank top and some jeans. I grab up a scrunchie, then lock my room. I’m supposed to meet Sloane and Bexley in the common room with whoever is going to the bakery with us. I know Loki is going. He still won’t leave my side.

  I walk in to see Bex and Sloane at the table talking and laughing. I’m so glad that she is fitting in, that everyone is accepting her. Loki, Tires, Cotton, and Grange are standing by the door ready to go. “Hey girls. Y’all ready to go get some sweet things made and sold today?” They both laugh and we head out to my cage. I give Tires my keys, the others follow on their bikes. Bexley and I both still have a lot of pain from our cracked ribs. I’ll be so happy to be back to one hundred percent. The bite marks have pretty much healed up and are at the itching stage. I just want to put all of this behind me. Move on. I see how Cotton, Tires, and my dad watch me all the time. It makes my anxiety higher. He pulls us up to the back door at the bakery, I go to unlock the door. When we all get inside, the guys go check everything out, then sit at one of the tables I have set up out front.

  Sloane and I had talked with Bexley, and we thought that we should add some tables in case someone wanted to eat a sweet in the store. We even set up Wi-Fi. So now we are a bakery and sweets cafe. I had pulled Sloane aside one day to thank her for keeping the place running while I was trapped and gave her an envelope with some extra money. She deserved it. We get everything turned on, the ovens warming, and I get to work setting up what I need to make my first three cakes. Bexley goes up front to take inventory for the things that we need to replace and make. Sloane starts up the coffee and unlocks the front door, turning the open sign over.

  I get my hands into the batter and I instantly calm. Sloane is making the cookies and turnovers that are needed out front, and Bexley is running the register and serving those that come in to sit. I’m on my third cake when Loki comes in the kitchen to tell me that there is someone out front that I need to see. “Who is it?”

  “You’ll see.” He grins, walking back out. I get out front to see that the guys are making a spot at their table for a man in a wheelchair, and Bexley is getting him some coffee. Recognizing him right away, I grin, then grab a plate of cookies.

  “Mr. Bumgardner, how’re you?” I ask as I set the cookies down.

  “Saige, girl. You are a sight for sore eyes, dear. You look a lot better.” He takes my hand, patting it. I lean down to give him a hug the best that I can and kiss his cheek.

  “You look good. I’m so happy that you are out of the hospital.” I turn as the door chimes, to see Dad walking in with Alma, Mr. Bumgardner’s sitter. I give her a light hug thanking her for bringing him by. “Come sit, we’ll get you some coffee or tea. And try the cookies. I made them just like he told me.” Alma laughs as she sits down.

  Earl looks at me, and after he swallows the bit of cookie in his mouth says, “Saige, these cookies are amazing, girl. Peanut butter with chocolate chips. Mmmmm. Now which one of these yahoos is the one that won’t man up and understand what a catch you are?” Loki chokes on his coffee, Tires busts out laughing, and Cotton looks like he’s going to combust.

  “Oh, Earl. You hush. You know my brother and cousin. You met them at the hospital.” My face has to be beet red, lordy kill me now.

  “Ah yes, I do seem to remember those two there.” Dad got Earl onto a different subject and I swear it was like the rest of us have disappeared. It was good to see him though. Earl was in the hospital room beside mine, and he has dementia. He never had visitors other than Alma, his sitter, so I’d go over and see him. Most days his memory was good, but then the others it wasn’t.

  Alma looks at her watch saying, “Earl, we’re going to have to go if we’re to make your appointment on time.”

  He nods, turning to me. “I’ll come back again, Saige girl. I’m so happy that you’re home and doing okay. Now remember, you come out to the house and see me anytime. You can sit on the porch swing I have, and we’ll just visit.”

  “Thank you, Earl. You take care. Here, you take this box of cookies to tide you over until I see you again, okay?” I kiss his cheek and give Alma a small hug. “Be safe.”

  She holds me to her, saying in my ear, “We will. Thank you for all that you do for him. He just loves you. He has claimed you as family.”

  I smile as they leave. Once they are in the car and gone, I turn to go back into the kitchen when Cotton goes off. “Where did you meet that crazy old man? Are you sure you can trust him?” I see red, I’m so mad.

  “That ‘crazy old man’ as you put it, was in the hospital room beside mine. He is a Korean and Vietnam War veteran, a retired LEO, and has no family left. He also has dementia, so for him to come in here today and remember me, is a huge thing! He’s the sweetest old man. I enjoy his company and hearing his stories. You don’t like it, you can leave.” I stomp off into the kitchen and set to work on some bread dough. I need to get some frustration out, beating the dough sounds like a good idea since I can’t beat on Cotton.

  “He’s gone,” Loki says still grinning from earlier.

  “Who’s gone?” I ask even though I know.

  “Cotton. He took off not too long after you ripped him a new asshole.”

  “Loki, who all is out front?”

  He looks at me, “Umm, Tires, your dad, my dad, Grange, Wolfe. Why?”

  “Do me a favor. You’ve hardly spent any time with Sloane in almost a month. Since all this went down. Get her, go somewhere. Out to eat, to the park,
y’all’s special place, I don’t care where, just go. And don’t come bother me until tomorrow sometime. I can get Cooper to stay with me tonight if I need to.”

  “You don’t want me around?”

  “Lok, it isn’t that. It’s just that Sloane needs her boyfriend. She feels like you don’t care for her anymore. It’s really taking a toll on her. She feels like you blame her or something. I want you two to be happy. Please?”

  “Yeah, I get it. Okay. I love you, BFF.”

  “I love you too, BFF. Now go get your girl and get out of here!” He kisses my cheek; grabs Sloane and they head out. I look over to see Bexley grinning. “What?”

  “You are such a hopeless romantic.” She giggles.

  I smile, “Yeah. Now I need to get you set up with someone. Perhaps that good looking brother of mine?” I ask as I wiggle my eyebrows at her. Laughing she shakes her head no, going back out front.



  I leave the bakery in a hurry. At first, I was mad at Saige, then at myself. I acted like a complete ass. How was I supposed to know who that man was? The whole time she was in the hospital, I had to do all the business side of things for the club. I only got to go see her once, but she was asleep at the time. Shaking my head, I get on my bike, taking off. I head towards the garage but end up turning out of town and just riding. I stop at a couple little stores that I see on the way back towards the clubhouse. I need to apologize to Saige, but I’m just not good with words. I notice that they aren’t back from the bakery when I pull in and park my bike. That gives me time to put things up. I walk in to see Tech sitting at the table, his hands in his hair pulling, looking at a computer. “Hey man, what’s up?” I ask.

  “Cotton, this isn’t good, man. The man that bought Saige and Bexley has put out a bounty on them. He wants them. He isn’t going to stop until he has them. He has a couple of bounty hunters looking for them and Rancor. I still can’t figure out his IP address and it’s driving me crazy!”

  “Hey man, calm down a little. Go get you a beer, we’ll talk to Stone when he gets here, yeah?”

  “Yeah, okay.” He closes the laptop down then heads to the bar. I head down the hallway, then use the key I have to open Saige’s room. I put the roses on the table by her bed. I got her yellow ones, I know they’re her favorite. I pull out the teddy bear and books, sitting them up against her pillow. Lastly, I put the gallon of sweet tea in her little fridge, then lock the room. I head down to the bar, hoping she likes everything, and accepts my apology. When I get to the bar, I see Loki and Sloane over in the corner all snuggled up. I give him a chin lift, getting one back. I get a beer, walk over to talk to Bear, Hawke, and Ryker.

  “What’s up, fellas?”

  Ryker gives me a chin lift, stating, “Not much Cotton. We’re just getting ready to play some pool. Want to join?” I nod, going with them. We have a few pool tables and darts set up, everyone here loves to play. We aren’t playing long when a couple of the club whores come over, they start talking to and rubbing on a few of the guys. I see movement out of the corner of my eye, as a pair of arms go around me, and I try to push away.

  “Dayna, you know not to touch me. Now get away.” She does that thing where she sticks her bottom lip out trying to pout, thinking it looks sexy. It looks stupid to me.

  “Cotton, don’t be that way with me. I know you aren’t screwing any of the other girls, so I know you need to have some fun. You know I’ll do anything you want to. You need me baby, I know you want me.” She tries to rub up against me again. Why can’t this chick get it through her head, that I don’t want anything to do with her? Why does she have this crazy notion in her head that I’ll ever want to be with her?

  “Dayna, you need to go find someone else to lay you. Cause it sure as hell won’t be me.” I push her away. Bear, seeing how things are going comes over, grabs her hand and rubs his crotch with it. Her eyes light up and she goes off with him, only because he has a patch and is the Road Captain. Damn, I wish they would just get rid of her. She loves to cause trouble and is only here because she thinks she’ll get a brother to make her an old lady. Won’t happen.

  Hawke is laughing. “I think I won the game while little Miss Skank was trying to get you to fuck her. Want a rematch?”

  I laugh. He had in fact cleared the board. “Nah, man. I’m good. I see Stone at the bar, and I need to talk to him. Raincheck.” I head over to the bar, get another beer. “Pres, need you to see something Tech found. It’s got him all worked up. I have to admit, it makes me upset as well.”

  Stone looks at me, sighs. “Alright. Let’s go. Tires, Cruz, need you to come to my office with us. Tech, let’s go.”

  We pass through the common room where the girls are setting up things for dinner. Saige and Bexley are helping Stella out, laughing at whatever she said. I can’t help but stare at Saige for a minute. She is just beautiful. Faded bruises and all. Sensing me staring she looks up at me, her smile fading a little. Yeah, she’s still mad at me. I wonder if she has found the gifts I got her, when I realize that she has flour dusted all over her still. So I know she hasn’t been to her room yet. I give her a head nod and follow the guys into Stone’s office. Tech goes over everything he has learned, also what he hasn’t learned with the others. Stone sits down behind his desk hard. This is taking a huge toll on him. “Cooper, call Commander Thomas, let him know what is going on. He wanted any updates that we found.” He nods, pulling out his phone, going into the corner so he can talk.

  “I hope when we find this asshole, that you let me have some time with him. I want to have some fun with him for sure,” Cruz says, his eyes dark and full of anger.

  “You’ll get your time with him, brother. “

  I sigh, “Guys, I hate to say it, but we just have to bide our time right now. Keep an eye on the girls still, wait for them to make a move on them. They’ll slip up sometime, and we’ll be there to catch them.” They all nod in agreement. I stay back when the others leave. “Stone, I want to apologize for how I acted today. I didn’t know that man, or anything about him.”

  “It’s okay, Cotton. It’s not me you need to apologize to, even Saige knows what you meant. It wasn’t what you said, but how you said it.”

  I nod as I think about what he just said. “Yeah, okay. Another thing, is there not something we can do about Dayna? That bitch won’t take a hint, a straight out no, or anything. I’ve told her numerous times to leave me alone. She bombards me in the club, tries to get into my room. I’m sick of her. I even had a prospect escort her off the property once. I’m sick of all the trouble she is trying to stir up too. She is trying to get with a high-ranking patch, and it’s not going to happen.”

  “I’ll have a talk with her, if that doesn’t work, she’s gone.”

  “Thanks, now let’s go get something to eat. The ladies were setting up when we came in here.”

  Stone rubs his stomach, “Sounds good.”

  I grab my plate, load it up with a steak, baked potato, and salad. I see that Saige brought some of her cakes and cookies home for dessert. I grab a few cookies then go sit down beside Tires. He’s laughing looking over in the corner. I follow his gaze to see Loki holding Sloane, and she is feeding him. “Sis kicked him out of her room. She told him that he needed to focus on his girlfriend, not her. I think she is feeling suffocated with all of us hovering.”

  “She probably is, but she knows why we’re doing it. Are you staying in there with her tonight?”

  Tires shakes his head, “Naw, man. I’ll be in my room in case Bexley needs me, like always. She has nightmares too. I think Sis told Loki that she would have me stay, he bought it. I think she just wants some time to herself. We can get that prospect, Bacon, to stay at her door, like we do every night, and have her text someone if she needs them.”

  “Yeah, that could work.”

  We eat in silence and I watch Saige the whole time. She is picking at her food, barely eating. She looks up, smiling at something Stella says
. Saige gets up, taking her plate to the kitchen. On her way back she hugs her dad, kissing his cheek. She walks over to the table we are sitting at. “Goodnight, guys. I’m going to go shower, read, savor the quiet time.”

  “Goodnight, Sis. Text either one of us if you need us tonight okay?”

  “Yeah, I promise.” She is staring at me as she hugs her brother.

  “Goodnight, Saige. Enjoy your time.”

  “Thank you, Cotton.”

  I watch as she walks down the hall. Tires is smirking at me. I just shake my head. “Talk to you later, man. A shower sounds great right about now.”

  “I’d be glad to join you in that shower, Cotton. We can get even dirtier than we are.” I look to see Dayna standing behind me.

  “Look, I have told you repeatedly. I don’t want anything to do with you. If you don’t stop, you’ll be out of this clubhouse. Now go away!!” She reaches out to touch me and I push her away from me. She hits the table edge, turns and runs out of the room. “Damn, I didn’t mean to hurt her, I just wanted her away from me. I’m so sick of her coming at me!”

  Tires watches her leave the room, then says, “It’s okay, brother. Dad is going to talk to her. He’s even taking Leilani with him to do it. Go on. Go do what you have to do.”

  Shaking my head, I go to my room. I just get the door shut when my phone goes off. Looking at the screen I smile. Saige likes her gifts.



  I walk into my room to see the most gorgeous yellow roses on the table, a bear and books on my bed. I smile as I go over to read the card with the roses. I smell their sweet scent. I open the card and see a note written: